15 Июнь 2017 15:49


My First Issue: I just purchased Emerald and installed it on my Joomla 3.6 Joomla. I have created the subscripion plan and a rule for the restrictions, but when i go to the Gateways tab i have no gateways there. I have isntalled the whole pacakge of emerald (pkg_emerald.j3.v.10.93.zip) with everything and i am not sure what is missing for the gateways to show.

My second issue is that my subscripbtion model will utilize Multi user access.That is why I chose EMERALD.

The structure will be like this:

Basic subscription Plan - $$$ 1 Registered User - Team Leader - He can assign up to 3 team meber users to use the same subscription. They will have limited/restrictedd access compared to the Team Leader User. 1 Team user - Team Member - Only see front end entry form, and list with data, but will not be bale to see anything else that the Team Leader will see. 1 Team user - Team Member 1 Team user - Team Member

What will be the best way to utilize the MUA feature of emerald for this scenario. FYI the link to the MUA doc is not working: http://docs.mintjoomla.com/en/emerald/multiple-user-access/

I appreciate your help. reagards, Konstantin

Последние изменения: 20 Июнь 2017

bozukov VIP
Total posts: 3
15 Июнь 2017 19:53


I have figured out most of the issues I had, but the payments gateways are not sowing up in "Payment Gateways Tab" when I create new subscription plan. I have cheked and enabled all emerald plugins and have followed the instructions from http://docs.mintjoomla.com/en/emerald/emerald-quick-start bu the letter, but the gateways are missing. I need help with this and i am getting a bit furstrated as I purchased the EMERALD packare 10 with everything and I did not receive any support contacts, phone number, e-mail nothing but this forum to post to.

Is there a someone that is supporting EMERALD 10 issues ?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
15 Июнь 2017 23:50

bozukov ...but the gateways are missing

Hello bozukov, the OFFLINE payment gateway is included in Emerald package installer. All other Gateways have to be downloaded and installed separately. As far as I can tell for J!3.7 the "plugins" manager does not list any plugins of type "file". This is the type of certain Emerald plugins.

To see installed Gateways, you might check:
Extensions -> manage -> manage listing. Search for "Gateway".
or filter for type = file

(PS: Currently I am not on my working machine, so I could not check the frontend behavior and control panel. I am just writing from the top-of-my-head)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
15 Июнь 2017 23:59

Regarding your Multi User Access setup, I don't think that it matches your requirement by default.
To my knowledge, the Emerald MUA allows to share the exact same plan and restrictions. You can't have different restrictions than the initial subscriber.
(Although I might be wrong here, I have never used it in a real world scenario)

bozukov VIP
Total posts: 3
16 Июнь 2017 17:22

Thak yoou for your answers kind sir. I realy apreaciete yout time.

I have checked here for the gatways:

pepperstreet Extensions -> manage -> manage listing. Search for "Gateway".

and they all enabled and installed Including the offline and paypal the 2 I am interested in. Still when I go to the plan/gateways I dont see any of them not even the offline, which shouold be there by default and always as i understand.

Here is what I see: gateways

Do you have any other ideas?!

On the MUA, I think you are right, it looks like it cant support what I wnated. I still have to find a solution to my model tho. Do you think it is possible to have this customized or included in emerald 10 and how hard would it be for a hired developer? I would assume few hours?!

Or do you think it is better to look for another solution that supports that feature out of the box, as it will be the core of the subscription model that I will run on the platfrm?

Regards, konstantin

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Июнь 2017 01:41

bozukov all enabled and installed Including the offline and paypal the 2 I am interested in. Still when I go to the plan/gateways I dont see any of them not even the offline

Sorry, I could not re-create that issue on my local desktop machine.
I have used EM10 and Joomla 3.6.5 and also upgraded to 3.7.2
All gateways show up in plan edit tab, and after activation they show up in frontend as well.

(BTW, here is a related topic about an issue with J3.7)

bozukov On the MUA, I think you are right, it looks like it cant support what I wanted. I still have to find a solution to my model tho.

What is your user registration workflow?
And what is the difference between the "Leader" and "Member"?
What type of restriction and access do you need? Is it really based on that plan rules, or would it make sense to build upon J! core ACL? Maybe 2 different usergroups?

Do you think it is possible to have this customized or included in emerald 10 and how hard would it be for a hired developer? I would assume few hours?!

Probably. Please, wait for an official answer by Sergey. I am sure he might have some ideas or even an offer for you.

Total posts: 13,748
18 Июнь 2017 04:59

Lets discuss gateways problem in one topic here


Total posts: 13,748
19 Июнь 2017 13:25

pepperstreet Would you mind to explain the MUA feature in a semi-technical way? ;)

MUA just let original subscription owner to generate coupon with 100% discount that can be used limited number of times. Also subscriptions activated with this coupon have exact start and end dates as original subscription. there is no connection between those opriginal and child subscription.

pepperstreet Is it possible to distinguish between the initial buyer and the one who uses the coupon?

It is possible internaly. I have parent_id field in DB so I keep data what was parent subscription but it is not used anywhere in the code, rather than calculation how many already activated to limit it.

pepperstreet Is it possible to select another plan?

No. You can only get the same plan.

pepperstreet What happens when the invited user subscribes?

Nothing special. He is given the same subscription. The difference only he does not purchase but get it for free.

bozukov VIP
Total posts: 3
19 Июнь 2017 17:08

Hi and thank you for your help. The gateways are fixed and the new version of EM10 worked perfectly with Joomla 3.7

Now on my MUA model and workflow.

pepperstreet What is your user registration workflow?

And what is the difference between the "Leader" and "Member"?

What type of restriction and access do you need? Is it really based on that plan rules, or would it make sense to build upon J! core ACL? Maybe 2 different usergroups?

The workflow is:

New User Registration - Creates the user in J! with custom registration form and plugin that uses the e-mail as username to log in. Registered users can see only menu item for subscribtion plan purchase or get redirected there or chose the plan dugring the registration process. (Not sure how to set that up yet.) Once the user purchase the subscribtion plan they have access to all menu items like Input Forms, Lists and Reports. This user that is paying for the subscriptions is cosidered the Leader (Owner) account. He will need to add/register (different simpler registration form) 2 more user accounts that will be considered Members (Agents) and will have limited access to some menu items and input forms, but will not be able to see the majority of the menus that the Leader account will see. Each owner will fill a company profile (Company_id and name) during the initial registration profile that will be assigned to all data entered by this account including the 2 sub Member accounts. I guess this is where the J! user groups will work, but I am not sure how to use that with the subcription plans. This Company ID and Name will be used later on to filter the data queried by the reports, so multiple companies can uses the platform of the reports.

I hope i explained it clearly. Any advise or suggestion on what is the best way to achieve this functionality will be greatly appreciated.

Regards, Konstantin

Total posts: 13,748
20 Июнь 2017 06:20

bozukov Registered users can see only menu item for subscribtion plan purchase or get redirected there or chose the plan dugring the registration process.

There is a parameter In Emerald's system plagin calles require subscription. If you activate that, no matter what user do he will be redirected to list of plans untill he has active subscription.

bozukov He will need to add/register (different simpler registration form)

There is no integration or mechanism I know off that can do that. You can move user to different user groups base on subscirption, but there is no posibility to show different profiles fields based on subscription.

I think best way is to create on universal form, and let user deside to purchase Leader or member subscirpion. This way user can update from Member to Leader without changes to profile anytime.

bozukov but will not be able to see the majority of the menus that the Leader account will see

this is possible if you move users to different groups after subscription purchase. There is change group action for that. And when you create menu alements just set propper Joomla ACL for those menu elements.

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