03 Июнь 2012 05:13


I'd like to setup 3 plans that limit how many records of a particular type a user can submit

max 3 records

max 10 records

unlimited records

is this possible? If so, can you briefly explain how, or where there is a tutorial that covers this?



Последние изменения: 28 Апр 2014

Official Answer

When you setup Subscription Plan use count limit parameter. Insert there as many submits as you want to be allowed.

In Cobalt Type parameters when you select all 3 plans as protection for submission also select count limit as "Count every access"

In the edit record plan restriction use "Do not count" so users may edit record without affecting main subscription.

20 Март 2014 13:34


We are using Cobalt7 and Emerald8 Components of MintJoomla for Joomla 2.5 instead of Mighty Resourecs and Mighty Memebership Component used for Joomla .15 version. Here I have attached the screenshots of both versions admin setup for subscription plans.. In Mighty Membership, there is an option under restriction tab for restricting the Mighty Resources Categories. But this option is not present in Emerald for restricting Cobalt Categories. How can we restrict the cobalt categories through Emerald. Help Us....



Total posts: 13,748
20 Март 2014 15:11

In Cobalt it works little bit different. You restrict it in Cobalt parameters not in Emrald.


These are settings of Content type.

21 Март 2014 05:30


I tried that, but its not working. We need to restrict all records in cobalt to public users. Only after subscription the user can view all records in cobalt. How could we do that.. Support.......

Total posts: 13,748
21 Март 2014 06:44

Please, check that all Emerald plugins are published.

Also not that restriction does not hide articles in the list. It is visible in the list for all users only full view access is restricted. If you whan to restrict articles in the list you need to set Who can view parameter in Submission Parameters slider.

And in section Who can see restricted to none or admin.

21 Март 2014 09:32


Can we use "Membership Pro"- Joomla Membership Subscription Component instead of Emerald 8 Component. Because it looks similar to emerald. and has advance options also what we are in need off. But we donot know whether it can be combined with cobalt component. Can we use this integrated with cobalt. Help.

Total posts: 13,748
21 Март 2014 09:38

I do not think Membershipp Pro will offer you as tight integration with Cobalt as Emerald.

please tell me what features you lack in Emerald that exists in Membership Pro? And how do you know that it has something you need if you ask me if it can do what you need?

21 Март 2014 10:07




I have attached the screenshots. In Membership pro- Upgrade of Plan is there, Along with registration. That is what we need. But dont know it could be combined with cobalt.

21 Март 2014 10:15

Then, I tried all options for restricting cobalt categories under section. But it doesn;t work. I need to provide access to all recors/ articles to users in website in front end afetr they have subscribed any plan,. But couldnot do that. As in Mighty Subscription we need to restrict option in plans. Help to customize the code to have that option.

The below code was given in Mighty Subscription component.:

isJSC && @$this->lists['jsc_category']){ ?>

        <tr valign="top">

            <td valign="top" align="right" class="key">:</td>



        <tr valign="top">

            <td valign="top" align="right" class="key">span class="hasTip"


                : </span></td>

            <td>input type="checkbox" name="params[js_strict]" value="1"

            params->get('js_strict')? 'checked':'' ?>> ()</td>


similarly I tried the code above in Emerald Subscription form page. But not working. What can be replaced with the below code: I donot know whether it is correct.

What is the use of "$this->isJSC" in "if condition". Its is jsc module in joomla 1.5, what to be replaced for Joomla 2.5

isJSC && @$this->lists['cobalt_category']){ ?>

        <tr valign="top">

            <td valign="top" align="right" class="key">:</td>



        <tr valign="top">

            <td valign="top" align="right" class="key">span class="hasTip"


                : </span></td>

            <td>input type="checkbox" name="params[js_strict]" value="1"

            params->get('js_strict')? 'checked':'' ?>> ()</td>


Total posts: 13,748
21 Март 2014 10:25

Emerald has ability to subscribe during registration.


Or if you want more fields you may use EasySocial to handle registration.

And then user may update any plan.

Yes thee is no upgrade plan option. I meant o move from one plan to another, while another one is still active. But this is something we can add to next version.

Anyway, regarding Cobalt, I cannot say you for sure. I do not know how it M PRO works. I would suggest better ask M PRO developers about that.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Апр 2014 16:41

Sergey Emerald has ability to subscribe during registration.

Emerald 8 ?

Total posts: 13,748
28 Апр 2014 11:05

Only in Emerald 9.

Работает на Cobalt