11 Дек 2013 05:48

This is more of 2 questions in one:

-Do the payment gateways support chargebacks? so that if the payment processor issues one, the sale will be unpublished?

-Any way to hook to that event so that some actions can be taken?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
11 Дек 2013 05:54

This depends on gateway. PayPal and 2Checkout do support it. If refund issued or issue raised, it will automaticaly immediately unpublish subscription.

Some other gateways also supports that. Which one you need?

11 Дек 2013 06:44

Haven't decided yet which payment to use, it's good to know which ones support it.

I'm experimenting with the 'Offline payment' testing gateway, I created a subclass of it to support events when the EmeraldGatewayOffline->pay() function is called.

Is there in the gateways that support refunds/chargebacks a method that gets called when this happens?

Total posts: 13,748
11 Дек 2013 23:15

In Emerald 8 in plugin it is onReceivePayment event. it is called as on success subscription as on payment adjustments.

It works like this. In onSendPayment we path callback (IPN in paypal, INS in 2CO) URL where payment gateway sends notifications. And onReceivePayment receive it. You have to check what is the type of request you receive. Is it instalment or adjustment request and then decide what to do with it according to payment gateway documentation.

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