18 Фев 2013 11:12

My client has Paypal Business account. It is very important to them that their customers do not leave their site and go to Paypal when the pay. This is a feature of Paypal Business, but I am not sure if the Emerald Paypal plugin supports this feature. Can anyone tell me if it does?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
19 Фев 2013 00:31

I can tell you. Emerald does not support API integration. It only supports IPN and web payment standard method.

22 Фев 2013 10:11

How about the authorize.net integration? Does it force customers to leave the site or does it appear to be integrated into the site?

Total posts: 13,748
26 Фев 2013 07:33

How about the authorize.net integration? Does it force customers to leave the site or does it appear to be integrated into the site?

We do not yet have one. But it will force to leave site.

26 Фев 2013 16:56

Is there any payment plugin that doesn't force you to leave the site?

Total posts: 13,748
26 Фев 2013 22:51

Unfortunately no. In fact the payment process ing plugin interface even does not take this method in account.

But it is possible. Some people do it. You can change plugin to add form and submit data.

28 Фев 2013 06:59

Are the any docs on how this could be done, or do I just have to use the offline payment plugin as a guide?

Also, the Emerald 8 web page clearly claims that there is an Authorize.net plugin. Is it planned and just not available yet?

Total posts: 13,748
28 Фев 2013 07:26

Are the any docs on how this could be done, or do I just have to use the offline payment plugin as a guide?

Right you can use another plugin as a guide. i would suggest to use paypal or other payment gateway instead of offline one. Because there is real usage example.

Are the any docs on how this could be done, or do I just have to use the offline payment plugin as a guide?

Also, the Emerald 8 web page clearly claims that there is an Authorize.net plugin. Is it planned and just not available yet?

Yes it is planned ut not yet there.

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