08 Фев 2013 13:44

We have a Joomla 2.5 website that we successfully upgraded from 1.5. This morning we purchased and successfully installed Emerald 8 with no problems. However, upon attempting to install the SQL Patch for Emerald, the installation produced an error regarding a 'duplicate column name' (see attached screenshot). My understanding is that this patch will allow our Mighty Membership data to be migrated to Emerald 8, so getting the patch to work is crucial.

Thank you!

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
09 Фев 2013 07:10

It is ok. This error say that patch is already applied. This patch for update from Mighty Membership (Joomla 1.5).

09 Фев 2013 17:05

Ok, but we had Mighty Membership running on Joomla 1.5. Now we've upgraded our site to Joomla 2.5 and installed Emerald 8. But the patch did not work and we still aren't able to see any of our Mighty Membership subscriptions in Emerald 8. If the patch worked, shouldn't it have migrated the data from Mighty Membership to Emerald 8? If not, please describe the process we can use to migrate this data

In this post you say in your first comment the the user needs to install the SQL patch.

In this post you say user simply needs to install Emerald 8 and it will take over Mighty Membership.

However, when I view the Subscription Plans and User Subscriptions in Emerald now in our admin, there are zero records. See attached files.

Please advise...

Total posts: 13,748
09 Фев 2013 22:00

How did you update? Did you first install Emerald on Joomla 2.5 and then migrated or what what the sequence.

10 Фев 2013 13:19

In a nutshell, we 1) copied our live Joomla 1.5 site that has Mighty Membership installed already, 2) upgraded the copied site to Joomla 2.5, and 3) installed emerald 8 on 2.5 site.

Here is the details...

We have a live Joomla 1.5 (ver. 1.5.19) website with Mighty Membership installed and working properly. Two weeks ago we copied the live 1.5 website files and database over to a subdirectory called "/newsite2" and set it up as an independent site (so the live site would be unaffected by the upgrade), and followed the migration instructions here. So just to clarify, now under "newsite2/" we have a website that was updated to 1.5.26, and under "newsite2/jupgrade" we have a website that has been migrated from the 1.5.26 to 2.5. Again, this is all still totally independent of our live website which is running in root "/" directory and we're using a copied instance of the live database. So the live site is completely unaffected by the upgrade.

Ok, so now once we have a successfully migrated 2.5 version of the website running under "newsite2/jupgrade", we logged into this 2.5 admin but did not see any Mighty Membership component listed under the "Components" section, or under the "Extension Manager" section. However, if we login to the admin for the 1.5.26 website (under "/newsite2") Mighty Membership is visible and it's working properly (see attached screenshot) ... just as it is on our live 1.5.19 website that has not been updated at all.

Several days ago I purchased Emerald 8 and installed in our 2.5 website. It installed and appear to be running now, at least in the admin under Components we now see "com-Emerald" but there are no records/data (see attached screenshot).

We need to get our Subscription plans and User subscriptions moved from Mighty Membership in 1.5 to Emerald in 2.5. Please let me know how to accomplish this.

Total posts: 13,748
11 Фев 2013 03:06

Have you migrated users from 1.5 to 2.5 with the same IDs?

11 Фев 2013 09:21

No, all we've done is what is described above. My understanding was that the data would simply be migrated automatically upon installing Emerald 8. If that's not the case, and we need to manually migrate the data (users and subscription plans), can you please provide instructions how to do that? Thank you!

Total posts: 13,748
12 Фев 2013 01:15

that is true. You do not need to migrate subscriptions as tables are the same. You only need to move old tables to new site.

But you have to keep in mind that IDs of the users have to remain the same. You have to move all Joomla users. It is not Emerald or Membership related. It is Joomla users.

12 Фев 2013 17:23

Thank you for taking the time to assist me with this.

When you say we "have to move all the Joomla users", where do the users need to be moved from, and where should they moved to? Are you referring to records in one of the database tables or something that needs to be done in the joomla admin interface?

When I go into the User Manager, I see all the users that are supposed to be there. Both the j25_users and the jos_users tables have 23,539 user records - both are identical. And I've looked at both the j25_jcs_user_subscr (0 records) and jos_jcs_user_subscr tables (1,529 records).

The user IDs all appear to be identical in both our 1.5 and 2.5 databases.

It seems like either Emerald should be using the User Subscription data found in the "jos_jcs_" tables, or something needs to happen to map the data from the "jos_jcs_" tables to the "j25_jcs_" tables. Is it possible there is an extension or plugin setting that needs to be enabled/disabled in order for the users and subscriptions to appear properly under the Emerald 8 component area?

Please describe in detail what other steps we need to take. Thank you again for helping with this!

Total posts: 13,748
12 Фев 2013 23:41

Then export all jcs* tables and import them to new Joomla

13 Фев 2013 01:14

Sorry, but I'm not clear on what you mean. Export all jcs tables from 1.5 or ? And then import into new 2.5 - is this correct? If so, can you explain what this will accomplish? As previously mentioned, the jos_jcs_ tables in the new 2.5 already have all the correct data in them, so I'm not understanding what the purpose of this is. I apologize if I'm missing something. But if you could be really specific, such as "export all jcs* tables from old 1.5.19 and then import them into new 2.5", I would be greatly appreciative. Also, I assume we can do the export/import via myPHPadmin import/export function - if not, please explain how we should do this. Again, thank you!

13 Фев 2013 02:21

Ok, using the Operations tool in phpMyAdmin, I created copies the jos_jcs_* tables in phpMyAdmin and then renamed the j25_jcs_* tables to OLD_j25_jcs_*. Then I renamed the copied jos_jcs_* tables to the corresponding j25_jcs* table name. This now allows me to see my subscription plans and user subscriptions in Emerald. Is there anything else that I need to do? Or should everything work properly going forward?

Total posts: 13,748
13 Фев 2013 06:55

2.5 already have all the correct data in them, so I'm not understanding what the purpose of this is

That is when you update Joomla from 1.5 to 2.5. But somehow you've lost all jcs table data. So you need to restore it.

2.5 already have all the correct data in them, so I'm not understanding what the purpose of this is

Is there anything else that I need to do? Or should everything work properly going forward?

I think everything should be ok. But of course you have to check everything. make test plan and try to make live transaction. Try to login under and test user and access content.

Although everything should be fine it worth to check anyway.

18 Фев 2013 15:19

Great - all seems to be working so far. Thank you again for your help!

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