06 Июль 2017 17:28

Hi, i'm using the tags to show7hide the content in an article

everything works fine but this tag


still appears in the article where the member is allowed to read the content... the closing tag is not shown but this is still there and i would like it to disappear....

how can i fix this?


Последние изменения: 22 Нояб 2023

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
07 Июль 2017 09:44

Are you sure you entered the closing tag [ / PAID ]

It seems that the closing tag is missing. Or you have entered one of the tags, begining or closing tag, twice.

Total posts: 13,748
09 Июль 2017 06:29

Also check that you test it under registered user. restriction rules might work differently for super admin.

Total posts: 2
22 Нояб 2023 10:01

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially fix the issue:

Check Syntax:

Ensure that the syntax of your tags is correct suika game, including the opening and closing brackets, attribute structure, and any parameters. A small syntax error can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior. Verify Tag Processing:

Make sure that the system or script processing these tags is correctly interpreting and handling the conditions specified. It may be helpful to review the documentation or support resources for the platform or tool you're using. Test with Different Content:

Create a test scenario with a different set of content and tags to see if the issue persists. This can help determine whether the problem is specific to the content or if it's a more general problem with tag processing.

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