15 Дек 2016 18:12


I checked the following Upgrades:

vom $5 to $10 to $15

on the first upgrade it takes $10-$5 but on the second upgrade to $15 it takes $15-$5 which is wrong

because you should take the first payment too, not only the second upgrade price.

1st Subscription USD 5.00 paid

2nd Subscription USD 10.00 - USD 5.00 (assuming its the same day of first subscription) ----------- USD 5.00 paid

3nd Subscription USD 15.00
- USD 5.00 (first subscription) - USD 5.00 (scnd subscription) ----------- USD 5.00 paid

I don't hope my clients will upgrade two times in one month.

Can you fix this?

Best regards,

Последние изменения: 16 Дек 2016

Total posts: 13,748
16 Дек 2016 06:23

This is a tricky one.

Emerald does not save update history. So when you do 3d update, it does not know anything about your previose updates.

But to me it works correctly. See.

Guest 3nd Subscription USD 15.00

  • USD 5.00 (first subscription)
  • USD 5.00 (scnd subscription)

USD 5.00 paid

Why we have to discount USD 5.00 (first subscription)? We have already discounted it when he updated a 2d subscription. If we add it here he will get this $5 discount twice. that is not correct.

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