14 Март 2016 16:53

Hello Mintjoomla!

As AEC ( http://www.valanx.org ) is recently gone (they even closed Githup repo), we are looking for a successor and have some pre-sales questions we would like to get answered before purchasing Emerald. We found a thread ( http://www.mintjoomla.com/support/community-forum/user-item/4123-michael001/52-emerald-9/4786-pre-sales-question.html ) where you mention that you "... can also create migrator to move all your AEC members to Emerald with one click."

This is very interesting to us and, for sure, many other AEC clients facing the same point of frustration!

We would like ask some general questions and after that some questions only related to the migration possibility.

General Questions

1. Wire transfer (offline payment)

1.1 Is it possible to use "offline" payment possibilities, clearing them manually when the payment hits the bank account?

2. Currencies

2.1 We would need two different offline plans, one in Euro and one in USD each with a different price (10Euro are not equal to 10USD and we fix this on a monthly exchange rate). Can Emerald display different prices per currencies? We do not need any more functionality as this is just for informing different bank account numbers.

3. E-Mail payment details (offline payment)

3.1 Will Emerald send the payment details to the newly registered user, depending on the chosen plan (Euro / USD)?

4. Pay Pal

4.1 Is there a quick check out for a one year / one time subscription?

4.2 Do you support Pay Pal recurring payments?

5. Coupon / Discount

5.1 Is there any possibility to create coupon codes manually?

5.2 Is there any possibility to create coupons by batch for groups (each user receives his own coupon code)?

6. E-Mail customer information

6.1 Pre-expiration information with setting of days (actually we send this email 21 days before expiration)

6.2 Expiration E-Mail when subscription ends

7. Registration - Jomsocial

7.1 We use Jomsocial for gathering more information when registering. Would this interfere with the Emerald process?

7.2 Will the component fully integrate in the registration process, i.e. show the different payplans at the end of the registration?

7.3 We are actually using Jomsocial registration and would like to keep it like that. AEC did not touch any of the registration details nor the profiles. Does Emerald require to use the own registration routine or would this still be the same?

8. Print Invoices

8.1 Users can view and print there detailed paid invoices

AEC Migration

9. Coupons

9.1 Could we transfer existing coupons?

10. Pay Pal subscription

10.1 Would those plans and, even more important, link from Pay Pal to the subscribers persist after the migration?

11. History

11.1 Could we transfer existing customer history for furhter reference?

Which time span are we talking of regarding the migration tool? As I do understand we will already face some problems with the next Joomla! update so time frame would be quite narrow and very important for us.

It would be absolutely crazy if we could migrate directly! As it must be consiedered abandonware, just let me know if you would need the last stable AEC version. As well I might give you database access to a site copy for further reference. Just let me know if this would help building the migration tool.

Thank you for a quick feedback!

Working with: Joomla! 3.4.8 PHP version: 5.4.45 Jomsocial: 4.1.6 MySql: mysqlnd 5.0.10

Последние изменения: 30 Март 2016

Total posts: 13,748
15 Март 2016 13:40

Guest 1.1 Is it possible to use "offline" payment possibilities, clearing them manually when the payment hits the bank account?


Guest 2.1 We would need two different offline plans, one in Euro and one in USD each with a different price (10Euro are not equal to 10USD and we fix this on a monthly exchange rate). Can Emerald display different prices per currencies? We do not need any more functionality as this is just for informing different bank account numbers.

Yes it can display different currency. Even accept money in different currency with the same gateway. But not allgateways works this way. Some gateways like 2Checkout have only one main currency and do not allow multicurrency accounts within one account unlike PayPal.

Guest 3.1 Will Emerald send the payment details to the newly registered user, depending on the chosen plan (Euro / USD)?

Every plan has its own alert messages text input, so YES. Also offline payment plugin have it as a parameter as well so it can be different for every other plan.

Guest 4.1 Is there a quick check out for a one year / one time subscription?

Not sure what it is. But there is subscription payment. You have to land to PP site and then you come back after payment.

Guest 4.2 Do you support Pay Pal recurring payments?


Guest 5.1 Is there any possibility to create coupon codes manually?

Yes if I understand you right. You can create coupon codes and restrict them to particular user, plan, limit times to be used or expiration date, to be % discount of fixed discount. A;most anything you will ever need.

Guest 5.2 Is there any possibility to create coupons by batch for groups (each user receives his own coupon code)?

There is batch creation and you can create few coupons with one click, but unfortunately not each for every user. We do not know what users you what to create coupon for. For all of them? That might be too much. But if you limit coupon for one time to be used you can give it to different users. It will work. the only thing you will not have restriction for particular user.

As an alternative you may create only one coupon code, but limit it to be used only one time by every user. So you only give out one code and all users use it once.

Guest 6.1 Pre-expiration information with setting of days (actually we send this email 21 days before expiration)

You can enter few days. For example you want email to be send 5 and 3 days before. Then you enter 5,3. Or 10,5,1. Whatever you like.

Guest 6.2 Expiration E-Mail when subscription ends


Guest 7.1 We use Jomsocial for gathering more information when registering. Would this interfere with the Emerald process?

NO interfirance found so far.But we would reccomend EasySocial sice we are very closely integrated. http://stackideas.com/apps/item/24-emerald-9

Guest 7.2 Will the component fully integrate in the registration process, i.e. show the different payplans at the end of the registration?

Not with joomsocial. Although I think it is possible. Also depends on your subscription scenario. We have main 3 scenarios posible.

  • PR - Post registration - It is when user register normaly without any subscription involved and later subscribe.
  • SDR - Subscritpion During Registration - it is when you have subscription plan selector right on the registration form. But this only works with core registration process and EasySicial. And it have limitation if you require invoicing. Users cannot enter invoice information. But they have to enter later цру ерук try to access invoice.
  • RDS -Registration During subscription. This is when user is aoffered to subscribe. He ends up on the subscription confirmation page and only enter email. Account automaticaly created and user immediated redirected to payment gateway and it is possible with certain parameters to make so that on return user already logged in, on the page he purechased for.

Guest 7.3 We are actually using Jomsocial registration and would like to keep it like that. AEC did not touch any of the registration details nor the profiles. Does Emerald require to use the own registration routine or would this still be the same?

Emerald has no own registration at all.

Guest 8.1 Users can view and print there detailed paid invoices

Yes. There are some minor things missing. Actualy connected to our lack of knowlidge of EU 2015 Taxation rules. But we are ready and if we have customer who can tell us exactly what to do we can add those rules within 1 weeek. Although it might already work out of the box.

Guest 9.1 Could we transfer existing coupons?

I can add coupon transfer to migration if it will be technicaly possible.

Guest 10.1 Would those plans and, even more important, link from Pay Pal to the subscribers persist after the migration?

This is more complicated but very possible. I can create IPN transfer PHP file. You will replace file on AEC with this new one and it will handle everything. But that is going to be custom work. Around $50.

Guest 11.1 Could we transfer existing customer history for furhter reference?

I usualy add parameter to migration plugin to transfer all subscriptions or only active ones if you want some cleanups. So not problems I can migrate all subscription history.

Guest Which time span are we talking of regarding the migration tool?

If you purchase, within one week. But you will have to give me akeeba backup of your site. SO I have real example to test it out.

Total posts: 13,748
23 Март 2016 09:46

I am working on your project right now...

Total posts: 13,748
23 Март 2016 12:27

First problem. i will not be able to import all transactions. The way AEC stores subscriptions is difefrent. it is one subscription and then few transactions under same subscriptions.I could convert it into subscription history of Emerald but all transactions are under the same invoice number which is weird.

So you will lose transactions under each subscription.

Is that OK?

Total posts: 13,748
23 Март 2016 13:02

Ther are so many inconsistencies in DB. Some coupon history have links to none-existent invoices. I will not import those histories.

Total posts: 13,748
23 Март 2016 14:01

May be I am prejudise, but looking into AEC I can say that it is very limited in terms of restrictions. I mean flexebility. May be it have something Emerald don't, but I am almost sure you will be very satisfied.

Import is done and tested on your DB.

Next step is PayPal IPN adoptation.

Please give me exact URLs that are binded to PayPal transactions. You can see those in PayPal account IPN history.After you give me URL examples< I'll create migration script that will accept those IPNs and transfer to Emerald.

Total posts: 13,748
24 Март 2016 08:24

I'll release new version of Emerald today and it will include importer already. I would suggest to test it on your demo site first. It will not change anything in AEC. I'll also write an article how to migrate.


x-bit VIP
Total posts: 11
28 Март 2016 19:04

Hello Sergey!

I am already running the first tests...

Will let you know how it performs.

A BIG thank you for your quick solution.

Total posts: 13,748
30 Март 2016 11:51

Waiting for feedback...

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