13 Май 2014 03:19

I just purchased Emerald 9 and there are no instrctions how to configure it to use with easysocial.

Is there an instruction manual available?


Последние изменения: 27 Июль 2015

Total posts: 13,748
13 Май 2014 05:49

This is depends of what you mean. What king of interactions betweek ES and Emearld you want? Ther are integration that allow to purchase subscription with EasySocial user points and subscribe during registration.

For subscription during registration, install integrations, then discover fields in ES. Find Emerald field and install it inside the ES. Then edit and configure it.

Total posts: 4
25 Июль 2015 14:39

Can you tell me what should I put in PLG_FIELDS_EMERALD_PLAN_IDS and PLG_FIELDS_EMERALD_GROUP_IDS. emerald.PNG

Total posts: 13,748
27 Июль 2015 05:30

IDs of plans if you want. Actualy you can skip it. It is limitatin. If nothing is eneterd then it will show everything.

Example: 1,2,3,5,7

So it will only show those IDs of the plans. The same work with plan group IDs.

I also added some changes, so next version there will be correct language.

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