20 Фев 2014 06:24

I get the following error:

SQL=SELECT subscriptions FROM abcd_emerald_hikashop_orders WHERE order_id = 2

when completing a purchase from hikashop, apparently the abcd_emerald_hikashop_orders doesn't have a subscriptions column...

Any solution?


Последние изменения: 08 Март 2015

Total posts: 13,748
20 Фев 2014 08:06

I have fixed and updated this action and uploaded new version of plugin. Please update.

21 Фев 2014 03:57

Now I get this error from PHP:

PHP Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/dev/components/com_hikashop/helpers/helper.php' for inclusion in /dev/plugins/hikashop/emerald/emerald.php on line 14

Shouldn't it be looking for the help in administrator/components/com_hikashop ?

Total posts: 13,748
21 Фев 2014 06:07

Updated version 9.6. Please use this. An if you run into any new problem, please immediately post in private text block your site access credential and I'll setup and test it right on your site.

25 Фев 2014 07:11


One more thing with the action, it doesn't seem to do anything when a Hikashop - Emerald is created, here an extract from the hikashop.php action

public function onActive($subscription)



public function onDisactive($subscription)



Total posts: 13,748
25 Фев 2014 07:53

Aes it is true. Action does nothing. Action only stores to which product this plan is attached.

There is hikashop emerald plugin. This plugin does all actions on success purchase.

Total posts: 13,748
25 Фев 2014 07:53

Make sure that plugin is published.

25 Фев 2014 11:28

Ok I understand thanks, that plugin is activated.

My problem is when I try to add an action to a plan so that the purchase of a hikashop product enables a subscription.

I load the plan page, go to the Actions tab, select Hikashop integration, the list of products appear, I select the product, and after clicking apply it doesn't stay...

I don't know what could be going wrong...

Total posts: 13,748
25 Фев 2014 12:43

It is possible that there is javascript error or conflict on that page.

Please look to console in your browaer is there any error. If yes, post it here.

Or you can give me url with credentials where I can check it.

25 Фев 2014 13:05

No javascript errors, post content (some irrelevant missing):

https://dev.myserver.com/subscription-history?view=emplan& ;layout=edit&id=2








jform[name]=Foundation - Single Purchase







25 Фев 2014 14:35

Sorry for the trouble, it was my fault, don't know why yet but the 'Add' button was hidden

Thanks again

25 Фев 2014 15:03

I found another issue where hikashop integration plugin doesn't add the subscription to the right user, it seems line 94:

                EmeraldApi::addSubscription($full_order->order_user_id, $plan_id, 1, 'HikaShop', 0, $full_order->order_id . '-' . $product->product_id);

Doesn't seem to get the first parameter right and the subscription gets added to the wrong user.

This happens when selecting an order from hikashop's back end component and changing the order from created to confirmed.

Also the expiration time is not taken into account (if there ever was one)

Total posts: 13,748
25 Фев 2014 23:04


1) Action problem solved. Correct?

2) I have discovered that $full_order->order_user_id contain ID of Hikashop user table. To get ID of the user in Joomla $full_order->customer->id? I have made change and I'll release updates in few hours.

26 Фев 2014 04:25

1) Yes and no, I managed to make the associations I needed in the actions tab, but for me the 'Add' button needs to be activated through development console

2)Super! I'll wait

Total posts: 13,748
26 Фев 2014 05:10

Plugin updated as well as Emerald.

1) can you make screenshot what you see in actions add button.

BrettVorster VIP
Total posts: 14
12 Авг 2014 08:44

Question, about Hikashop Cpanel. User control panel. I can see a new option item on the grid: User Address, Show Carts, edit account info, view orders. and now the new one: blank - but its for subscriptions, where do I add the title so it will say: Your subscriptions

Total posts: 13,748
12 Авг 2014 22:41

Ш did not add there any option. You can only add My Subscriptions option to menu as link to Emerald extension. If you want it in Hikashop cpanel, you copy that link and custom code it in to dashboard view.

17 Авг 2014 06:32

Sergey If you want it in Hikashop cpanel, you copy that link and custom code it in to dashboard view.

I also want the option in the Hikashop panel to say "My Subscriptions." How exactly do I custom-code it into the dashboard? By that do you mean I dig around in the Hikashop files to manually add it to their display code? Or is there an GUI location to add it?


Total posts: 13,748
17 Авг 2014 09:13

Guest y that do you mean I dig around in the Hikashop files to manually add it to their display code? Or is there an GUI location to add it?

There are no parameters. You should do in manualy changing hikashop layout files.

Toolie VIP
Total posts: 5
17 Авг 2014 20:06

Thank you Sergey. After digging around, I found the place to insert the hard-coded description.

/plugins/hikashop/emerald/emerald.php -- around line 99

I put it in the last parameter of the array (description), as shown.

function onUserAccountDisplay(& $buttons)
        $buttons[] = array(
            'link'        => EmeraldApi::getLink('history'),
            'level'       => 1,
            'image'       => 'subscription',
            'text'        => JText::_('EMR_TITLEHISTROOY'),
            'description' => 'My Memberships'

        return TRUE;

Thanks again,


07 Март 2015 19:35

О каком плагине для интеграции Эмеральда с Hikashop идет речь? Где этот лагин взять? Не нашел его на сайте. Спасибо.

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