05 Фев 2014 21:47

Does you new payplans anouncements will be cheaper than current which is a lifetime purchase? Or it will be cheaper for a period of time only?

I want to avoide requering payments :)

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
05 Фев 2014 22:28

It will be cheaper for period of time. Buy now lifetime option in fact will become more expensive.

Right now Emerald + one Payment gateway is $117 with 17% tax. But if you need additional action or rule adapter it will be even more.

We will have plans

$99 - 6 month

$150 - 1 year

$250 - Lifetime

And of course static price For emerald core will go up to $150 which will result in

$150 + $25 gateway + 17% tax = $204

And you have another $45 to purchase some actions and rules. So it become equal with Lifetime plan. But plan will grant access to everything.

So if you only need lifetime emerald and one payment gateway you save $45 by using buy now option. But if you need some actions and rules and other gateways it is simpler to purchase lifetime subscription and get lifetime access to $400 value downlods.

Total posts: 13,748
05 Фев 2014 22:46

I want to avoide requering payments

We never use recurring payments if you mean automatic charge. You but plan and when it expires you extend it manually if you need it.

Forgot to tell conclusion that if you buy it now, although it is more expensive than cheapest $99 offer, you get it lifetime which is much cheaper than lifetime options in future.

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