03 Фев 2014 16:48

two different problems;

1) when having a menu link to only a single group, there is a link to remove the single group filter, this link has the current menu items ItemId instead of the id back to the list of all plans as expected.

2) for guest/public users, when selecting a subscription from the emlist, I was sure the selected plan_id ( $this->default->[plan_id] ) was passed to the selector and only the selected plan was now shown in the selector on the registration page. but since upgrading to the latest Emerald and latest Joomla! 3.2 the selector only ever shows all the groups/plans again and the default plan is empty in $this forcing the user to select again.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
03 Фев 2014 22:02

I greately apologize but I could not understand the problems.

1) You have a menu link. In parameters you seleced show only some group. Then you indicated those itemids in emerald configuration. So now all links to list of plans are generated with this itemid and thus show only one group but you want all?

Am I correct?

2) It is more difficult here. emlist have nothing to do with selector on registration form. emselector is used for that. You are sayning that when someone click register button, and there is an error, form is reloaded but plan is not selected by default what was selected before?

04 Фев 2014 05:40

1) I have a menu item link to ALL plans, as sub-menu links to that I have one menu link for each groups of plans, there are three plan groups.

When the user clicks on the link going directly to only one of the plan groups, there is a link at the top of the page that says the "plans are filtered, to view all plans click here" but the "click here" only refreshs the page back to the same page , showing only the one plan group, not as expected, going to a list of all the plans. Removing the filter

Once the user is on the registration form, and all plans are showing, if they select the plan they want, the emselecter works correctly. But I thought that before when I showed the list of plans from a menu link, that when the user selected a plan from there (emlist) that it then redirected to the registration (or login) page but would only show their previously selected plan, not show all the plans again. Is that correct, or will the registration /login page only always show all plans and only select a single plan from that page?

Total posts: 13,748
04 Фев 2014 06:11

1) Please in global Emerald config, set menu element fo plans link the one that shows all plans.

2) now I understand.

Unfortunately if user is not logged in and select plan, we cannot redirect him to registration page. We can only redirect to login page. And there we lose track of what was selected. Because he clicks register link and on registration page we do not know what was plan he wanted to select that by default.

I have added some session based memory. If user will select Create account link, plan will be automatically selected.

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