22 Авг 2013 19:02


I have noticed that all questions regarding Emerald 9 are left unanswered. Can anyone explain to me why?

Best regards,


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

24 Авг 2013 10:06

pepperstreet: Might be related to BETA/RC status and work on product page, documentation...

Or Athletics World Championships in Moscow 2013 ;-)

24 Авг 2013 10:32

Jeff: Whatever the reason is, a simple "I'm away for holidays" would be enough. :)

I'm stuck in my project because I don't get my question answered.

Without a record based subscription plan, I'm lost....:(

Total posts: 13,748
27 Авг 2013 01:28

this is because no one is added as staff right now and no one had received notification. I'll change it today.

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