16 Март 2014 23:03

Hi all,

Believe it or not, but in these 'modern' times, we are still stuck running a J! website based on 1.5.26. Part of the reason we cannot upgrade are the MightyExtensions components we purchased: Users have to signup using MightyRegistration; private PMs, avatars, etc. on our Kunena forum are being handled by Touch and MightyMessage and our promotional mails are sent out using Mighty MassMail.

Yes, it's OUR problem that we purchased said components hoping for a future-proof upgrade path.

BUT: By removing the old www.mightyextensions.com page, we lost access to the old forum. And this old forum provided us with some great information to make these old components work as they should.

I was about to find out how one can make the member (Touch) popup appear a little bit longer, but unfortunately, this information is now gone.

So is the any way to access the old forum? Or can we hire you guys to make our 1.5 site perfect? No need for all the new stuff (as great as it may be).

Please advise!

Best regards,


Последние изменения: 31 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
17 Март 2014 05:53

Guest Yes, it's OUR problem that we purchased said components hoping for a future-proof upgrade path

Of course it is not your problem only. I will repeat myself but I feel real pain that we were not able to update all extensions. I am losing my business. I spend 6 years developing this amazing extensions set now that all gone! I invested 6 digits amount into it hoping for return.

Believe it or not, but If only I could, I would transfer all extensions ASAP.

It was long discussed and it is OUR problem that we created our extensions 100% Joomla 1.5 native. The more native it were, more changes it require for update to new Joomla. So many, that we could not manage to transfer those extensions at all. Transfer of only one extension Mighty Resources took 1 year. By transfer I mean 80% rewrite.

What can I say? I am sorry that there are no updates for extensions you have purchased. And I am not only sorry for you. It may sound selfish but even deeper sorry I have more myself and for all years and efforts I spent to create something great.

Guest So is the any way to access the old forum?

Unfortunately we have moved to a new AWS server. And our server wheer AngelDesk was running, has been canceled and at 16 March our OLD VPS was deleted from Softlayer DC.

We have backup, but we cannot provide access to it right now. I'll try to import it into separate forum category later.

Guest Or can we hire you guys to make our 1.5 site perfect?

This is not because it is Joomla 1.5 but in general we do not accept any custom development orders. There are only 2 of us here and we are very busy right now. Sad to say, but you will have to find Joomla developer to assist you.

But, what I can promise you, that you will not leave you along and we will support and answer any question you or our developer has.

Guest I was about to find out how one can make the member (Touch) popup appear a little bit longer

I am not absolutely sure what poup do you mean. Could you apply screenshot?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
17 Март 2014 13:07

Sergey We have backup, but we cannot provide access to it right now. I'll try to import it into separate forum category later.

Frankly speaking, i did not expect to see the old Domain and forum archive vanish sooo soon. (And without an official notice!?!)

BTW, also the second source SUPPORT.MIGHTYEXTENSIONS.COM is gone!

As I mentioned in the "other extensions" subforum, it would be nice to have access to an archived site on a sub-domain. I am not sure if it makes sense to spend valuable time to "import" it here.

Total posts: 12
17 Март 2014 20:42

Hey Sergey,

I've just registered using my old MightyExtensions.com user name. BTW: I am the one who started this thread ... ;)

@ pepperstreet: Yes, support.mightyextensions.com is now gone, too. It was working fine yesterday.

@ Sergey: We are running two dedicated servers (both fully support your 'vintage' components), pls. feel free to install the old site (i.e. its backup) on one of them. For free, of course! If you want, we can discuss this via PM (MightyMessage :) )

As pepperstreet said, there is no need to waste your time importing the old forum entries.

Your thoughts?

Best regards,


Total posts: 13,748
18 Март 2014 02:48

pepperstreet am not sure if it makes sense to spend valuable time to "import" it here.

TheTransistor As pepperstreet said, there is no need to waste your time importing the old forum entries.

I do not have those servers as I have already mentioned. Those servers are gone. No way back. And configure angeldesk on this server may be much more dificult than simply import. Taking in account I already have import script that I used to import support.mintjoomla.com topics.

My plan is create another forum section and import all topics there. And make alias of support.mightyextensions.com to that URL.

But in any case I will make it read only. Because we will no longer support Joomla 1.5 extensions.

TheTransistor We are running two dedicated servers (both fully support your 'vintage' components), pls. feel free to install the old site (i.e. its backup) on one of them.

I am sure you will not be happy with it. I started with attempt to move mighty extensions to my new server. But.


Look this CPU utilization before and after mighty-extensions start working. before it was 12% average and 18% max. After it is 100% max and 60% average.

Mightyextensions site is very old. It has old not updated extensions. Still not optimized Resources 1.4.x. It can only run on php 4 by the way. I could not resolve it to run on php 5.3.x.

But thank you for your offer. Very appriciate it.

So, I think it is just time for mighty-extensions it to vanish.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Март 2014 02:54

TheTransistor As pepperstreet said, there is no need to waste your time importing the old forum entries.

BTW, Support.MightyExtensions.com was newer than ME site. Powered and hosted by the external service "AngelDesk". Can't recall how long or how many other topics and comments lived there... but it seems that forum has to be exported and imported in another solution.

Total posts: 12
18 Март 2014 21:14

Mightyextensions site is very old. It has old not updated extensions. Still not optimized Resources 1.4.x. It can only run on php 4 by the way. I could not resolve it to run on php 5.3.x.

But thank you for your offer. Very appriciate it.

So, I think it is just time for mighty-extensions it to vanish.

Hi Sergey,

Unfortunately, you've just met a guy who won't take no for an answer. :D

Suppose we'd provide you with a dedicated server that allows you to install / restore the old MightyExtensions.com website, would you be willing to travel back in time?

This includes PHP4 and excludes using a modified DeLorean ... ;)

Best regards,


Total posts: 12
18 Март 2014 21:43


I'd like to make this public: We do not want or expect anything in return.

One question though:

You have a full backup of the OLD www.mightyextensions.com site, correct?

Best regards,


Total posts: 12
18 Март 2014 22:26

Me again, sorry for being a nuisance:

I've just tried to read a PM in MY "MightyMessage" inbox on our site. I am logged in and I am the recipient.

Here's the (illogical) error message I am staring at right now:

"You can not view private messages of other users."

See, that's WHY I want the old MightyExtensions.com website to be online again. There must be a forum entry dealing with this problem. There's absolutely no need to hire ODesk programmers who have no clue what the are doing, when we can restore www.mightyextenions.com

Sergey, the server is ready and we can afford its mothly fees. It won't be a supercomputer, but 2GHz, 40GB HD and 1GB of RAM may be enough for this dedicated machine that will happyily run PHH 4 ... it could be used toi host yor 'old' site(s) (no strings attached).

AS ALWAYS: The new server will be Sergey's Machine, no strings atttached, courtesy of Fireworks Magazine (UK), Transistor Pictures (UK) and the new Dragon Data Ltd.

Come one Sergey, you know you want to .... :)

Bers regards,

Berny a.k.a. TT

Total posts: 13,748
19 Март 2014 06:55

TheTransistor You have a full backup of the OLD www.mightyextensions.com site, correct?

Yes I have.

TheTransistor See, that's WHY I want the old MightyExtensions.com website to be online again. There must be a forum entry dealing with this problem.

If forum is the only matter, I think forum migration would be the best solution.

TheTransistor Sergey, the server is ready and we can afford its mothly fees

If the forum is the case, I should say that support.mightyextensions.com was a helpdesk service by AngelDesk. That was not even a Joomla. If we restore site, there is no forum.

And for this service I only have DB backup.

Total posts: 12
19 Март 2014 21:41

Hi sergey, Many thanks for your reply. Sorry about the confusion: I am NOT talking about the AngelDesk forum. We'd like to bring the FULL www.mightyextensions.com website back. In other words: The FULL (old) site would be restored, not just the forum. Your thoughts? Best regards, TT

Total posts: 12
19 Март 2014 22:46

By the way: http://help.mightyextensions.com seems to work fine (again?).

Is this site hosted on another server?

Whatever: We'd like to restore the FULL www.mightyextensions.com site including ALL* subdomains.

Best regards,


  • only publicly accessible as well as sites protected by user names / passwords will be included. Having said that, we HAVE to make sure that all 'old' ME.com user names and passwords will work again.

In other words: Let's pretend the site has NEVER went offline.

Come on! People landed on the Moon over 40 years ago, we are not trying any complicated heart surgeries, or are tying to solve the wold's financial crisis.

All we want is to have ME back.

All the best,



Total posts: 13,748
20 Март 2014 07:26

TheTransistor By the way: http://help.mightyextensions.com seems to work fine (again?).

Is this site hosted on another server?

I have moved this site to new server. It is static, so not perfomance load.

TheTransistor We'd like to restore the FULL www.mightyextensions.com site including ALL* subdomains.

Subdomain support.mightyextensions.com is not restorable. That was forum based on AngelDesk service which now gone. So you only can restore www domain which actualy contains nothing important. All now is accessible in download section of mintjoomla.

What I want to say, it is ok you restore the site. But you will have open all doenloads for free, turn off some sections as there will be no activity anymore, and what is left? Exactly the same as here.

So what is the sense to restore it?

Total posts: 13,748
20 Март 2014 07:29

TheTransistor Having said that, we HAVE to make sure that all 'old' ME.com user names and passwords will work again.

For what reason? You had to have account to download extensions, generate licenses and so on. Now it is all free. No even account needed to download. No licenses generation.

Total posts: 12
20 Март 2014 20:09

Hi Sergey,

OK, maybe I do not get the point:

The OLD site contained a forum (I am not talking about the AngelDesk forum). Can this forum (or its entries) be restored on your current site?

This may require a lot of work (on your end), so I thought it may be easier to re-launch the old site on a new server.

Also, I'd like to access my old MightyInbox, so I will have to access it with my old username / password.

Sergey, I hope I do not come across as a nuisance. I just want to help, especially as the old forum (not the AngelDesk solution) provides a LOT of great information for us users still 'stuck in the past'.

Yes, we should upgrade our site, but - as mentioned before - we can't.

So once again: Pls. let us know if you want us to help (again: there are no hidden fees or ulterior motives).

I just want to get access to all the information contained in the old forum.

Please let us know how you'd like to proceed.

Best regards,


Total posts: 12
20 Март 2014 20:42

TheTransistor The OLD site contained a forum (I am not talking about the AngelDesk forum). Can this forum (or its entries) be restored on your current site?

P.S. I am not saying that the AngelDesk forum didn't provide useful information. But a lot of interesting challenges were solved on the old ME site.


Total posts: 13,748
21 Март 2014 08:42

Please check this


I will keep it up for some time more.

Total posts: 76
21 Март 2014 13:41

Sergey what about Mighty Assistant it can't connect to your site to varify paid licences and trial licenses. Will this stop the scripts from working?

In the mean time i get this error at the top of the Mighty Assistant admin page


MightyExtensions WebService Response Error: Check user method Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently)

Please advise

Total posts: 12
21 Март 2014 22:54

Great job Sergey, you're a star!

Unfortunately, the site hosted on the "new." subdomain (shouldn't it be called 'old'? ;P ) crashes whenever I try to login using my old login data. By "crashing" I mean a PHP conflict resulting in the usual Joomla! white screen of death ...

But at least we can now get the information needed to keep our old installations up and running.

So once again: Many thanks Sergey!

Off to explore the old forum ... :D



pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Март 2014 01:56

canton Mighty Assistant it can't connect to your site to varify paid licences and trial licenses. Will this stop the scripts from working?

I think ALL latest J!1.5 releases were NOT encoded (GPL). You could download and update to these latest releases, and just use them.

If you have to keep an older encoded version for any reason (i.e. heavy customization), then there is a special license TXT file in the downloads.

For instance Mighty Touch file #9:

FREE license TXT description "This file is only for old encoded versions. This license removes all restrictions"

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Март 2014 02:00

Sergey http://new.mightyextensions.com I will keep it up for some time more.

Nice one. But 3rd Party stuff is missing. Remember the indispensable Terix Date/Calendar field modification ;-)

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