Iam looking for a subscription service that can do the following in a joomla 3.3 webportal.
A subscriber buys a membership for x members. After buying the subscriber has access to a form where the details of the x members can be entered. Additional functionality should be adding or removing a member at any time and changin the details. However an existing member can not be replaced by a new member.
Can your solution offer this functionality? Can yo indicate high level how this is done?
Iam looking for a subscription service that can do the following in a joomla 3.3 webportal.
A subscriber buys a membership for x members. After buying the subscriber has access to a form where the details of the x members can be entered. Additional functionality should be adding or removing a member at any time and changin the details. However an existing member can not be replaced by a new member.
Can your solution offer this functionality? Can yo indicate high level how this is done?