30 Март 2014 06:54

This may be intentional..I don;t know but in case it;s not I thought I would show you what it is like to submit using this forum.

To me it looks like un-intentional errors are being displayed...but again maybe this is normal and if so..nevermind :)

Attached are the three steps I take to submit a post here.

First step or page looks like this... forum-1

Then after I enter the captcha and I hit save and close I get a page like this but I have to scroll way down through erros or warnings.. forum-2

Until finally I reach the bottom that looks like this and I clcick Save and Close again. forum-3

Последние изменения: 31 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
31 Март 2014 07:02

I see. Topic tab is not selected automaticaly. Already fixing it...

Total posts: 13,748
31 Март 2014 07:12

never tested it as public user :)

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