16 Июль 2012 10:58

I'm a huge fan of the "Related Records" field. It's simple and powerful. But there is one thing that I'm missing. In "What to show" there should be a value "From same category", not just "Any section article" and the other options.

That would really help a lot.

Would you do me the favor and implement this feature? I don't think it is that hard to code, but I'm not sure. Keep up the great work!

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
21 Авг 2012 20:05


The problem was filter mode. It was whole section. But records field user type filtering. Because you wanted only records of one type. I changed filter mode and ow it is ok.

Are you ok with this filter mode? Or it is important to have whole section records filter?

23 Авг 2012 14:11

One last question: in approximately three weeks I will try to implement some functions with this


Does this work if whole sections records filter is turned off?

Total posts: 13,748
23 Авг 2012 21:12

Does this work if whole sections records filter is turned off?

Where? In template parameters?

I think it will still work.

24 Авг 2012 08:18

No, I want to define a direct link like described in the article and I wonder if it will still work. May be I just have to try out.

Total posts: 13,748
26 Авг 2012 05:26

I think it will work.

29 Сен 2012 12:57

I've tried to create pre filtered links today. Problem as I expected: the solution to the problem in this topic the makes pre filtered links across sections impossible. But I do need both.

When I set "Filtering mode: Records of all sections" it is impossible to narrow down related records by category. But only then pre filtered links across sections work.

Can you help me? Maybe there's a workaround?

Total posts: 13,748
30 Сен 2012 06:44

Did you use this article to create your links?


So you want prefiltered link to show records from all categories, but when you select category it narrows result?

What about category filter? can you use it as additional category narrower?

30 Сен 2012 13:26

I used the following filter for my website. But it only shows: "No results".

http://www.URL.net/index.php?option=com_cobalt& ;task=records.filter&section_id=3&item_id=124





But when I set "Filtering mode: Records of all sections" it lists the correct results of the filter. But in this case "Narrow by category" from the "Related records"-field doesn't work anymore.

Total posts: 13,748
30 Сен 2012 22:43

May be you have to add cat_id parameter to the URL?

Total posts: 13,748
03 Окт 2012 19:16

May be you need to set filter mode as record mode and record mode to categories and subcategories?

Because what you want to do is little bit confusing for end user. If you want pre-filtered link to behave differ than filter parameters that means that filter link show different result then filter itself. That may be the problem to understand why if I click link I get the list and if I just use filter I do not.

It is like this if you want result from all categories you have to set filter mode to all categories or filter mode to like in record mode.

Or don't I still understand what you need?

05 Окт 2012 04:19

I think we misunderstood each other. On my site it was necessary to set "Filtering mode: Records like in 'Records Mode'" for the field "Related Records" to work properly. See this topic, there we figured it out.

But now I need pre-filtered links that inlcude all records from one section and from all categories in this section. But the "Filtering mode" mentioned above does restrict that. It makes it necessary to set the category in the pre-filtered parameters. But I don't want only the records from one category pre-filtered, but from all categories of this section.

When I set "Filtering mode: Records of all section" in Section settings then my pre-filtered link works as I want it to. Only then I have the problem that the field "Related records" is not longer able to narrow related records by category (see problem discussed in this topic).

So it is kind of a dilemma, because I do need the related records by category as well as pre-filtered links across all categories from one section.

That is what I need, there will be no confusion with my end users for sure.

Total posts: 13,748
07 Окт 2012 06:18

Ok. I got you.

I have fixed it. The problem was that parameter to narrow by category did not work as expected. It relayed on section Records mode and filers mode parameters when it had to be independent.

I have fixed in in upcoming release.

My apologise that it took so many efforts from your side to explain this simple thing :)

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