16 Июль 2012 09:20

On my website there seems to be no difference between "Show new events" and "Show all events" in the "Notifications" area. Bug or feature?

In my understanding, when all new notifications are marked as read, they should still be listed under "Show all events" ... shouln't they?

Последние изменения: 05 Июнь 2014

Total posts: 13,748
17 Июль 2012 07:03

In my understanding, when all new notifications are marked as read, they should still be listed under "Show all events" ... shouln't they?


The problem is I think that now all notifications of the record are deleted automatically as soon as you access this record full view. May that is why you no longer see notifications.

We will advance this system in Cobalt 8.

I have already explained in one of the topics about it. That is because initially it was developed without notifications layout in mind. It came later. Initial idea was to mark records and since there is no notification manager deletion occur on article full view.

But now with this notification manager there are a lot more to do. We will make it better :)

17 Июль 2012 10:37

Good to know, thank you :)

05 Июнь 2014 11:16

Доброго времени суток! В 8 версии кобальта видел, что при переходе на запись она не удаляется из списка уведомлений. Можно ли как-то поправить 7 версию, чтобы в ней не удалились записи?

Total posts: 13,748
05 Июнь 2014 11:19

Guest Можно ли как-то поправить 7 версию, чтобы в ней не удалились записи?

Нет, там все по другому сделано. В 8ке система нотификаций полностью переделана.

Работает на Cobalt