10 Июль 2012 09:55


Just reading some reviews on the JED. I don't doubt for one second the brilliance of Cobalt but as someone who knows CSS reasonably well but very little PHP (and I mean very little!) is it worth exploring?

Many thanks,


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Official Answer


This is what you actually need. HTML/CSS and very little of PHP. With this knowledge you will be absolutely free in your imaginations. Cobalt is template based. You can create copies of templates and set for different sections and types different templates. And templates are so powerful that you even can turn template into small application like it is done in Google map list template.

Once you learn how it works, you will be no longer limited.

In few days I'll create article how to customize templates. Please check from time to time Community Knowledge as new article will appear there very often.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
10 Июль 2012 14:32


just give it a try.

You will be able to achieve almost everything without writing a single line of code. Just by setting the parameters for it, you can influence the functionality and layout of your web site/solution.

Spent a little time to get the idea, how section, types, fields and templates work together and you might get caught by the power of Cobalt.

Open 2 browser windows, 1 with the Joomla backend/Cobalt component and the other one with your front end. Play around with the settings, save them and refresh your frontend to see the changes and effects from your settings.

Post your questions here and i'm sure the MintJoomla team will assist you with your problems, even help you directly on your site to achieve what you want to achieve,

Welcome in the world of Cobalt, which enables non-programmers to deliver sophisticated web solutions.

11 Июль 2012 02:38

This sounds REALLY exciting!! Thanks guys, I'll give it a try :D

P.S. Sergey - would you like some translation help?

11 Июль 2012 07:46

That sounds great! Is all the ACL handled by Cobalt, or the native ACL?

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
11 Июль 2012 18:04

Cobalt is a componet wich follows Joomla standards. You can use the Joomla ACL and as you can see in the parameters of Cobalt 7, it uses the standard like Public, Registered, Special.

But there is more. You can define "Moderators" and give them special permissions on a section by section basis.


There are already enhancements done (based on a commnet from Sergey yesterday) to this and maybe in Cobalt 8, you might not go to the backend anymore to control your users. The beauty of Cobalt is, that it tries to give you as much as possible access to the records via the front end.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
13 Июль 2012 21:58

The JED! entry begins to bear fruit :-) Another review is around the corner... ;-)

Работает на Cobalt