19 Июнь 2012 15:45


some questions before to purchase advance fields - how to remove ; http://www. *****.com/index.php/component/cobalt/item to have clean url

-do you have a video field ? - do you have the mighty resource field "social bookmark" but for cobalt ?

-Please teach me step by step how to change color of article list template when article is featured ?

-i can not find mighty touch for cobalt ?


kind regards

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
19 Июнь 2012 21:26
  • how to remove ; http://www. *****.com/ index.php/component/cobalt/item to have clean url

You have to set menu element for section ant type in parameters. And we are also discussing new optional routing scheme

  • how to remove ; http://www. *****.com/ index.php/component/cobalt/item to have clean url

do you have a video field ?

Video field is in development and will be out this month.

  • how to remove ; http://www. *****.com/ index.php/component/cobalt/item to have clean url

do you have a video field ?

  • do you have the mighty resource field "social bookmark" but for cobalt ?

Bookmarks appeared to be useless. Because they use current page URL to bookmark you can use any bookmark module for joomla and it will work. Or you can insert bookmark code right into template.

  • how to remove ; http://www. *****.com/ index.php/component/cobalt/item to have clean url

do you have a video field ?

  • do you have the mighty resource field "social bookmark" but for cobalt ?

-Please teach me step by step how to change color of article list template when article is featured ?

open CSS file of template you use for list. For example /views/records/tmpl/default_list_simple.css and add there

.article-featured {


  • how to remove ; http://www. *****.com/ index.php/component/cobalt/item to have clean url

do you have a video field ?

  • do you have the mighty resource field "social bookmark" but for cobalt ?

-Please teach me step by step how to change color of article list template when article is featured ?

-i can not find mighty touch for cobalt ?

Right. There is none. We are centric on integration now. We will develop integration for JomSocial and CommunityBuilder.

Please read road map and new phase news.

20 Июнь 2012 12:36

my others question is can we have keywords filter in url

i mean when an user select city : los angeles : url looks like that : http : myurl.com/category/city-los_angeles

in this way : filter can be indexed by google as several websites


Total posts: 13,748
21 Июнь 2012 04:35

Filters are the links like this

http://joomla25/index.php?option=com_cobalt& ;task=records.filter&filter_name[0]=filter_kd766c08116e5845045ec3fc861e2984a&filter_val[0]=46&section_id=1&cat_id=3&Itemid=479

Not very neat but at least something. Google have to index it.

Total posts: 13,748
22 Июнь 2012 01:17

i have another question if you want : with the color, can i insert a text or picture (THIS ARTICLE IS FEATURED) in record list thanks and good support


featured) echo 'This article is featured!' ?>
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