17 Июнь 2012 17:52

I am struggling with long aliases and urls in resources and cobalt for a century :).

Instead of using so many slashes/ and identifiers, would it be nice to


have URL shortening as built in future into the article template? Some URL shortening can use suggested words that is SEO friendly (not only scrambled numbers and characters.


eliminate double identifications - such as using a user registered ID and User Name in the URL - leave only ID # - it is shorter and does not mess up SEO


Sergey, I hope you found a solution for cobalt to come up with less parts in the URLs. there are too many /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ in front of a meaningful part of the URL - and Google punishes for these slashes and length of the URL. It kills Cobalts, if there is no solutions.

then, you have a bunch of words in url like - type name

-Item - Article ID #

so it looks too long and ugly as this:

domainname.com/entry/item/42-alexmartin/1-my first article title here

Here is what I prefer:

domanename.com/42/1-my first article title here

or even : domanename.com/UserIdNumber/uniqueNumber- title of the article

where User Id number - is the joomla ID

where uniqueNumber – is unique to THAT USER his own article order coded with caractera and numbers such as

this user first article: a1

this user second article: b1

this user third article: c1

and so on

#3 - make new algorithm for identification:

Instead of using numbers of all articles in the URL,( which grows very quickly to a big long number) , assign a user his own article numbers following after UserID. This will remove need for category and type in the URL.

Or, even better solution:

use combination of alphabet and numbers like on YouTube and this makes unlimited combinations with short identificator for each article, so you no longer need use Type Name/ Section Name in the urls before actual useful part of the URL.

Disclaimer: I am not a coder, I am poweruser.

And I am not interested to use any , any third party's SEO on my site. I believe that Cobalt' team is powerful to make it happens.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
11 Янв 2013 06:45

cool thank Klox7,

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