31 Май 2012 12:48

i know we receive alert when article is posted in section, but for my shop, with cobalt can user receive alert when product is posted in section, categories and subcategories please ?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
11 Июнь 2012 22:26

Do you mean only in categories? For example you have section

  • Shop (Section)




So you want to receive alerts only in vegetables subcategory for example?

Total posts: 13,748
12 Июнь 2012 05:32

Right now not. But it is in the plan. We will have button in menu "Subscribe this category" only if user have not yet subscribed to whole section. Or may be on the form of section subscribe additional category selector.

Probably in Cobalt 8

12 Июнь 2012 06:56

great, on the form is good too thanks

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