27 Апр 2012 15:10

In Mighty Resources, we could assign a record to several categories.

(through the _js_res_record_category record --- one record is created for each record / category)

In Cobalt, we can only assign a record to ONE category.

(_js_res_record_category still exists but for performance you added a new field (section_id) in _js_res_record).

And this field can contain only one category.

And is used to filter.

The _js_res_record_category is now only used to count the records.

Is it a bug or you have changed the specs ?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
27 Апр 2012 17:38

In Cobalt, we can only assign a record to ONE category.

You can assign a record/article to as many categories as you want.

Just activate under TYPE --Submission Parameters --> Categories Behavior --> Allow multiple category select :D

28 Апр 2012 03:28

Thanks for you quick reply. You are right for categories. Many thanks.

But I'd also like to assign the same record to several SECTIONS.

And I don't see parameters for this.

When we create a 'Submit Article' menu item, we can assign only ONE section ID.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
28 Апр 2012 04:37

But I'd also like to assign the same record to several SECTIONS.

Then just change your section setup ... Make a Root section and then add all your former section under it as categories and the former categories will be now subcategories of these cateories, in the type settings, make "Allow section root submission" = "No" ... with this setup, you can submit to multiple "sections" .. :D

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
28 Апр 2012 04:41

cobalt will even support different templates for all your categories in its final version ... you can see the parameters under the "General" tab of each individual category.

I can hardly wait to play around with this new functionality ... :D

28 Апр 2012 06:09

Yes, I know. But this setup doesn't solve my problem.

I want to have a directory (it works with Mighty Resources) like this :

  • Kirghizistan (section 1)

  • Bars & Clubs (category)

  • Bars (category)

  • The Best Bar (record)

  • The Ugly Bar (record)

  • Clubs (category)

  • Bishkek (section 2)

  • Bars & Clubs (category)

  • Bars (category)

  • The Best Bar (record)

  • The Ugly Bar (record)

  • Clubs (category)

So, I have to assign the 2 records to 2 different sections.

And then, I can list all the places in Kirghizistan (Menu - Section records list - Home category Kirghizistan) and all the places in Bishkek (Menu - Section records list - Home category Bishkek).

If I use only one section, I cannot have this kind of display.

Or I miss something ???

Thank for your help.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
28 Апр 2012 09:28

If I use only one section, I cannot have this kind of display.

Please see screenshot, based on the above described procedure.

This setup might not represent the best possible solution, but follows exactly your posting. If the full subcategory functionality is implemented, you will have even more flexibility with your section display.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
28 Апр 2012 09:29

PS: The Back-end screen shot shows all categories of Section "Bars & Clubs"

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
28 Апр 2012 09:31

Also an important tip related to this topic - here

29 Апр 2012 05:18

Thanks a lot.

But in your example, I have to display both Kyrgyzstan places and Bishkek places at the same time.

I'd like to display Kyrgyzstan places on a page, Bishkek on another page, the same for the other main cities.

For Kyrgyzstan page :

The same for Bishkek :

So I have to use different sections (one for Kyrgyzstan, another one for Bishek). But I can't assign the same record to different sections (it was possible in Mighty Resources).

And duplicate the records is not a solution (for example, people will comment only one record).

Or is it possible to use a filter, so I can display only selected records in a section ?

With a filter, I can assign all the records to the same section (as you suggest) and display only the records I wish (a filter to the 'Kyrgiztan records', another one for the 'Bishkek records').

Kind regards.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
29 Апр 2012 06:06

But in your example, I have to display both Kyrgyzstan places and Bishkek places at the same time.

No, please check the topic, which i was referring to earlier ...

http://support.mintjoomla.com/en/cobalt-7/questions/How +to+create+link+to+category-1698.html

And set in category template the parameter "Display mode" to "Show categories of current category"

See following screen shots:

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
29 Апр 2012 06:08

PS: I can not open your attachment Kyrg.jpg ....

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
29 Апр 2012 07:42

Or is it possible to use a filter, so I can display only selected records in a section ?

Yes, you can also use a filter as "Section-Replacement". Then you can use for example a multiple select field for it, and create your own category template, displaying this field instead of the categories.

As i mentioned in an earlier comment --> > Or is it possible to use a filter, so I can display only selected records in a section ?

This setup might not represent the best possible solution, but follows exactly your posting. :D

29 Апр 2012 09:08

I follow your recommandations, and everything works fine on my test site. :O

Many many thanks. :D

Best regards.

30 Апр 2012 01:30

We are glad too that questions was solved without our help on weekends. Thank to all of you!

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