19 Апр 2012 17:46

I can see a lot of threads and on my own system regarding issues with templates from major providers.

IMHO this should be addressed ASAP as it could be a deal breaker for a lot of people. Whatever script is clashing with the templates should be identified and corrected if not for all template providers then perhaps for at least one of the majors like Rocket Theme so we would know that Rocket Theme templates are definitely compatible with Cobalt.

Templates cost money, all the cool Cobalt fields cost money and if at the end of the day we are uncertain how they will work together only the bravest and wealthiest people will invest in what really is a great CCK. For instance K2 is a baby compared to Cobalt IMHO but most major template providers add support of it in their templates. SeBlod works with most templates out of the box, etc.... On the other hand as things are right now Cobalt has issues with just about all of them.

Can anyone see where I am going with this?

Asking for new advanced features is all fine and good but, shouldn't we all focus developers attention at the basics first?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
19 Апр 2012 19:30

You are right 100%. We need this and we will do this. But one thing at the time. Although Cobalt more advanced, it is baby. It is only few month old. And templates compatibility is scheduled, when stable version is released.

Why? Because until that there may be severe changes in templates. And if we create template overrides now, it will be very hard to keep them up to date for new versions of Cobalt. So as soon as we go on stage were we more or less sure were we go, we develop templates compatibility packs.

Asking for new advanced features is all fine and good but, shouldn't we all focus developers attention at the basics first?

There are yet a lot of basic not yet implemented. For example no email alert sent on new events and other things like that. We want to finish them first.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
19 Апр 2012 19:45

For instance K2 is a baby compared to Cobalt IMHO but most major template providers add support of it in their templates.

I think, this sentence just highlights the situation. In my opinion (and as you mentioned it) it should be the obligation of the template providers to provide a solution, since they are "responsible" for the design, layout etc. As long as Cobalt sticks to the standard Joomla behavior it should not be the concern of MintJoomla.

Nevertheless it seems that MintJoomla is putting additional efforts in to help customers with their initiative to provide template overrides for major template provider. See

For instance K2 is a baby compared to Cobalt IMHO but most major template providers add support of it in their templates.

Asking for new advanced features is all fine and good but, shouldn't we all focus developers attention at the basics first?

For me, Mintjoomla should concentrate on their features and as we see the Cobalt product now in Beta stage, as well on the bug fixing, rather then adjusting it for everyones's specific template. I believe that in time the template providers will realize the outstanding power of cobalt, they will offer direct integration to their templates.

And btw, this situation opens an additional market for 3rd party providers to integrate Cobalt nicely with existing customer setups. It might be worth to look into this business venture as well. :D

Total posts: 13,748
19 Апр 2012 19:55

t might be worth to look into this business venture as well.

like Andi already did. As I can understand he wants to make template overrides and post in our 3dp extensions section.

t might be worth to look into this business venture as well.

forgot the link to the template here is the missing link

This like lead to this particular page

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
20 Апр 2012 02:47

i agree with sackgesicht, mintjoomla should concentrate on their feature, template integration need do after **ecause many things can change

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