First of all, thanks for such a cool possibility to enhance my web page!
But I have a problem (actually two, but related) with glossary:
- If I add a term to the glossary and this term (or the character combination) is inside links, my links break.
- Short terms are quite often in other words too, so they get highlighted as well (which is of course not what I want). Example: 'AR'. Would highlight 'are'.
Question to solve both problems (in my opinion):
How can I add space characters in the term? (So I could add ' AR ' as term)
Thanks in advance!
First of all, thanks for such a cool possibility to enhance my web page!
But I have a problem (actually two, but related) with glossary:
Question to solve both problems (in my opinion):
How can I add space characters in the term? (So I could add ' AR ' as term)
Thanks in advance!