01 Июнь 2013 10:26

I am constructing a website (in Dutch) that contains job descriptions and I am using Cobalt 7 to do it.

It has different types and some types have relations with fields from each other. That works fine in Cobalt.

My question is about the output on the frontend of the website. What I get is:


And what I like to have is:


I have no programming knowledge. Can you tell me if this is possible and what I have to do to create the site in this way?

Thanks in advance

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Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
02 Июнь 2013 15:25

You already posted here:

http://support.mintjoomla.com/en/cobalt-7/questions/how +can+I+do+this%3F-4013.html

I also added a comment. At least for some configurations you might have missed. Not sure if I understood your initial post.

BTW, you should post with a username/social account. Its easier to track and answer your topics.

Total posts: 13,748
03 Июнь 2013 06:49

I am also not completely clear what is your problem out there. :)

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