27 Фев 2013 00:00

I added the joomla 2.5 search module to my site but it will only pick up things created by joomla and nothing that was created by COBALT 7. How do I change that?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
27 Фев 2013 00:34

Check if Cobalt search plugin is enabled and configured.

27 Фев 2013 23:24

How do I configure the cobalt search plug-in?

Total posts: 13,748
27 Фев 2013 23:59

Just edit plugin parameters. You will see. There you select in what sections you allow Global joomla search to look in.

12 Март 2013 14:26

HI Sergy,

I would like to delete the created date, created by and any user info in the search page. How do I do that? I only want the product info to show up.

Total posts: 13,748
13 Март 2013 01:37

You have to exclude those from the search index. You can set it in section parameters

13 Март 2013 15:49

Hi Sergy...

Thanks so much for your continued support. That worked out great.

I'm still having an issue with the search module. As you can see in the photo there are 2 products. If I type in the search bar "pontiac 1980" the search results should show me everything with those parameters but it doesn't. It comes back with zero results. Am I doing something wrong? Did I build the database incorrectly? This happens with lots of different combinations. If I type "volvo" it works fine but as soon as I write "volvo turbo" it comes back with zero results.

14 Март 2013 23:09

Скрытый текст

Total posts: 13,748
15 Март 2013 00:40

I heed access to DB. I'll explaiin how it works. It search in "fieldsdata" field of _js_res_record table. It uses full text search index and can search with generic or natural language mode search. In fact it should find as Vo 20 as 20 Vo. Just check that this text present in fieldsdata field.

Also note that after you change parameters to add some field to search or incude/exclude title you have to reindex. It does not apply instantly. It will apply only to new records not tho those that are already in the index.

15 Март 2013 11:23

It its only reading EXACT PHRASE. The ANY WORDS or ALL WORDS doesn't work. Can this be fixed and If so can you fix it or tell me how to fix it?

15 Март 2013 18:25

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15 Март 2013 18:59

Скрытый текст

Total posts: 13,748
18 Март 2013 03:09

The problem is you use %LIKE% search. And it looks for exact phrase. And "2002 Volvo" and "Volvo 2002" are completely different phrases.

You can use fulltext method but it will return all Volvo even if you enter Volvo 2002.

18 Март 2013 07:23

It doesn't change anything. I've put everything to full text and have also tried detect automatically. If you type in Volvo 2002 nothing shows up.

Total posts: 13,748
18 Март 2013 08:32

Try to use fulltex.

21 Март 2013 19:05

You're amazing. When is the next release? Do I need to update anything? Thanks for your time

Total posts: 13,748
21 Март 2013 23:39

It is already out. We release new updates every Thursday. Please update. There is no new paraneter but there is small fix.

Total posts: 13,748
26 Март 2013 01:47

that really depends on what files you had modified. If you did modification right way (only in templates and did copies of templates) then update will not lose any file.

But if you hacked Cobalt core files then I have no suggestion rather then remember what you did hacked and re-hack it again after update.

07 Апр 2013 11:15

Works like a charm!!! Thank you so much Sergy. One last question... How do I get it to search the title as well? It only seems to search content.

Total posts: 13,748
07 Апр 2013 23:20

How do I get it to search the title as well?

In section parameters there is search options. Make sure title is included. Afte change those parameters you need to run reindex tool in Cobalt tools. If you do not see tools make sure tools plugin is published.

09 Апр 2013 17:55

HI Sergy,

I have done that but it still won't search the TITLE. I was wondering if you could check that for me.

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