16 Фев 2013 07:35

please have a look at http://mgt.nethotel.at/index.php/galerie/foto and tell me why full images do not load, when clicking on any thumbnail?

Also it looks like thumbnails are displayed twice? Just like repeating background? Is it the same issue like I reported earlier with image? Some more pixel on bottom?

By the way: I tried both show mode: Gallerybox and Quickbox. None of them work on my site. :(

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

14 Март 2013 10:45

To be precise: I doubt that your gallery does load pictures in slideshow anyhow on my site. No picture after 1 minute! Then I escaped that.

There must be some problem! :(

Other galleries work normally, as already mentioned.

Total posts: 1,113
15 Март 2013 00:53

We check and find problem.

As I write above:

Another problem was with php function 'readfile'. This function is disabled in php configuration, I find php.ini file in root directory of your site and exclude this function, now all work fine.

I think now it again block, so i turn off count image views in gallery field and images download directly.

After that I find that part of path to image changed from '/2013-03/' to '/2013-03-02/', that mean you change 'Folder Format' in General cobalt configuration, this is unacceptable if you already have uploaded file. After changing path to file changing too and script can't find original image to show. I return back and now it show images and with the same speed.

15 Март 2013 02:00

Thank your for finding and fixing the issue. As I already said, it happened after setting up the site by hosting company after it was hacked by xConsoLe`. It was not me, that changed anything, it must have been changed something by hosting company.

@ this 'readfile' function: would you recommend to enable it server wide? Should I ask hosting company to do this? Or would this be a new security backdoor for hackers?

Total posts: 1,113
15 Март 2013 06:22

I'm not a hacker :D, so I can't tell anything about is a 'readfile' backdoor or not. Many our clients use it and haven't problem. Without this function to see file browser must buffering it completely, so video would buffering completely too. It's not good.

15 Март 2013 10:53

my hosting company told me: This functions is disabled by default for security reasons.

Total posts: 1,113
17 Март 2013 22:48

Maybe, but I hear this in first time in my experience.

Total posts: 13,748
18 Март 2013 02:57

This functions is disabled by default for security reasons.

There is no security thread in allowing this function.

Anyway we cannot suggest you anything else but to change your hosting provider because it will not work without this function.

18 Март 2013 03:39

You already enabled that function 2 weeks ago (see above), so this should not be the problem on this site since then. So your guess

I think now it again block, so i turn off count image views in gallery field and images download directly.

3 days ago cannot be the reason because that function 'readfile' was and is still enabled since you enabled it 2 weeks ago.

By the way: I experience an odd issue on joomla global configuration: I cannot save anything there. It keeps wilily all old settings, regardless what I enter. After clicking in "Save" or "Save & Close" it does in both case only a refresh of the page. Neither saving the entered details nor closing the page :(

Please tell me, that it has nothing to do with your bug fixes or anything else you did on my site.

Total posts: 13,748
18 Март 2013 04:14

Please check your file access rights. Probably configuration.php is not writable.

18 Март 2013 05:12

configuration.php rights are 644.

Total posts: 13,748
18 Март 2013 06:00

That does not mean anything without ownership. If file is owned by root php cannot write it. Or if it ia owned by FTP user php also cannot write it. Do you have FTP layer enabled in global Joomla config?

18 Март 2013 06:22

I do not know what you are meaning by "ftp layer". Anyways, ftp is not enabled in global configuration.

Total posts: 13,748
18 Март 2013 06:24

The FTP parameter group in Joomla used to be called "Ftp Layer".

And who owns configuration .php? What user?

18 Март 2013 06:32

owner is username of the whole account of that site, just as it should be and is on every other of my sites.

Total posts: 13,748
18 Март 2013 06:59

That is correct. But problem is that not that user try to save this file. Apache opens this file under php username. And of course has no rights. Thus you have to enter FTP settings in to your configuration.php file.

18 Март 2013 08:36

php user is same user as account user. this works on all sites and worked for this site, too, for months. suddenly it does not work anymore? cannot believe it. there must be some other reasons. We found out that it looks like some of configuration values isn't being validated. Also the validating java script takes too much time to load. No idea how and where to look into for further information neither how to fix that than to delete all files and install jommal completely new as well as all its extensions. but I hesitate a little bit before I can be sure, that your recent installation package is free of malicious code. Otherwise I will experience same issues on that new installation tomorrow at same time than today when scanner inspects my site. (see other topic malicious code). :(

Total posts: 13,748
19 Март 2013 02:24

I think, since your website was compromised, you need to update Joomla over and all extensions to be sure files of extensions are not hacked. And then protect your server as I suggested. Or better first protect it and then update all files.

19 Март 2013 02:37

The most difficult piece to update is Cobalt, indeed. Because it contains customer templates, they are mixed with cobalt original files in same folder, and not only one folder, there are serveral folders of that sort. So this is really hard word :(

Total posts: 13,748
19 Март 2013 03:41

In fact on update you should not lose any custom template. we have found the reason why it happened previously. If you install for example cobalt pack all first time over cobalt pack free you may lose something. But if you install it again everything have to be there. It should not delete fiels.

But backup before update is recommended :)

19 Март 2013 06:01

You did not get me, I fear.

The point is: I should delete all files completely and reinstall them freshly piece by piece. That's the only way I know to make sure that no bad or corrupted file may remain on my account.

But this is very hard work for cobalt. If I erase all files, I lost all customed templates, too. That's why I must copy each and every customed file first. And that is not easy because of your system. It is very likely to miss one file. :(

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