12 Фев 2013 09:54


Will it once be possible to search by criteria which is a field type?

lets say we have a field type "select" on the form.

Now on the search this field type can be selected to narrow down the result.

this is an example from f2c:


see Movie search

thanks for info if this is planned or not!

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
13 Фев 2013 00:26

Yes you can easily do it.

In all fields that supports filtering you can find enable fileter parameter.

And then it is accessible in advanced search

And of course you can change template and make it always visible or whatever.

13 Фев 2013 18:38

wow, thats amazing!! i will try to watch all tutorias carefully to not miss such features.

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