08 Янв 2013 12:41

I have an image upload field and it uploads the picture successfully into the main image folder but does not for some reason put it in the thumbs_cache/image folder anymore. It WAS working and now is not. I do not know what I changed. I cannot find anything in the error log related to this. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place or for the right thing? Is there a setting for this? So in my custom list that I made is here:

http://dev.corbelsolutions.com/our-team you can see that there are many missing images. However if you click on them and go to the detail view, you will see the image. How do I fix this? I need this fixed asap.


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
09 Янв 2013 04:43

I can see all images by link you have provided. And all of them are like this


It means thumbnail is generated.

Have you managed to solve this problem yourself or I look not where I should?

Total posts: 13,748
09 Янв 2013 04:46

Also email there uses simple text probably. This can be grabbed by crawlers. If you want еще protect those email from been collected, use email field. It will

  1. Encrypt email and hide it from web crawlers

  2. Allow to send email message to person right from the site. It will add send button which will open popup with small message form.

09 Янв 2013 17:58

Yes, I solved the issue before you posted. The problem was that GD library was not loaded! Only took me 2 days to figure that out. I'm not in charge of the server and took it for granted that it would be there.

Total posts: 13,748
10 Янв 2013 01:39

I have also good suggestion during development process enable debug mode and error reporting full. It may give you very useful information.

I am glad you had solved this problem. :)

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