10 Нояб 2012 11:24

I would like to add a field skype on my website (logo) which is connected to a field telephone, like that in cliqund we could make a call.

is it also possible to add the possibility that depending on the country, the field phone add country code (+33 for France ...)


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

10 Нояб 2012 15:39

i think like custom solution

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
10 Нояб 2012 16:37

I don't completely understand your question.

Ifyou just want a akype button on your page (or let your logo act as one), then you might just add a little code to your page. You can get it here. or here

if you just want to create your own simple text link:

[<a href="skype:yourskypename?call">skype me</a><a href="skype:yourskypename?call">skype me</a>[

You can also install the "click to call" browser plugin to convert numbers in clickable skype numbers. See here

To pre-populate the country code of the Cobalt telephone field when adding/editing a record, you might have to submit a feature request for it.

10 Нояб 2012 17:57

thank you for your answer,

what I want in my table is a field with skype me as you said, that can make a call on the phone number from un telephone field.where i should add the code?, what files?

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
10 Нояб 2012 19:46

I still dont get it completely.

Assuming you are using the telephone field and want the visitor of the webpage to call the number stored in this field by skype (which requires that the user has Skype installed) then i would suggest to copy the default output template of the telephone field to a new file like skype.php. You will find it in /components/com_cobalt/fields/telephone/tmpl/output/skype.php

and change the last line to

<a href="skype:<?php echo str_replace(' ','',$this->value);?>?call">skype me</a>

Change the field parameter to "skype.php" and save the field


11 Нояб 2012 03:27

to be sure you understood I upload a photo.

two ways to doing that, or create a new field called Skype field, or i still with the current telephone field,and i add some changes to detect if skype is install or not. anyway its well be the same:

-If the user have skype plugin install, the field will be a call number (like the photo).

-If the user don't have skype install, the field will be a simple text show number phone.

Total posts: 13,748
11 Нояб 2012 07:32

I do тещ think there is a way to detect if there is skype installed on user's PC. And also call:// wil not only launch skype. It also works for many other clients to be launched.

10 Дек 2013 10:28

Alascaab closed my password knowing I'm right and I tried more than once logged Why Andm login name Alascaab is hanyahmed1231 my attention and I hope the solution:(

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