29 Сен 2012 09:12

Hello all

Can someone show me how to build that with cobalt ?

PS : like alibaba but no online payment (juste a catalog for each user in his mini-site) and i can see all users product on master site


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

30 Сен 2012 02:07

The catalog can be built with Cobalt and allow your users place there products. Unfortunately there is only one payment gateway for component: PayPal

Total posts: 13,748
30 Сен 2012 06:12

Please watch quick start video

Then start doing something. And if you have specific question ask them here.

That is because question like "Who to make Alibaba like site with Cobalt" is a subject for 20 pages book.

But what I can ensure you that it is very possible to make site like that with Cobalt and it is right decision.

04 Окт 2012 07:00

Thx sergey,

I will start next week... can u estimate time to realise that :

in master site (i will have a business directory of companies + there products catalogue) in slave sites i mean the user page or the compagny page (own template + more infos + products + portfolio + contact with map and form)

i can work 10 hours per day ;), and it's pre-sale question :)


Total posts: 13,748
04 Окт 2012 10:36

(own template + more infos + products + portfolio + contact with map and form)

Opc! I forget to tell. It is not yet integrated with jomSocial or any other profilin extension. I think yu'd better wait till Cobalt 8 but it is another 2-3 months or use something else :)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
04 Окт 2012 19:33

Appreciate your idea and task... but did you consider to google for terms like: "alibaba clone" or "etsy clone". Some demos look interesting (maybe an option for a resonable price tag).

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