06 Сен 2012 04:44

Hi there,

I have a old Joomla 1.5 site with Mighty Resources 1.5.4, how can I upgrade to Joomla with my old data?

Do you have any reference?



Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
06 Сен 2012 23:51

Right now there is no update. As we mentioned although Cobalt sometimes look similar to Resources it is completely new extension written from scratch. Although it is based on old DB structure it works differently to optimise speed.

There is no upgrade possible. Only migration of data.

We will create Import/Export tool build in to Cobalt 8. Cannot tell you when it is out :)

directy VIP
Total posts: 51
29 Сен 2012 10:28

Hi, i have a big website made with resources and now i need to migrate to cobalt too. The new migration tool will migrate photo, structures, tempate and all my data? In my website i use resources for a lot of sections es. Marketplace, blog, catalogues of products... What we will can do with this new migration tool? (And what we will can not)

Thanks, marco

Total posts: 13,748
30 Сен 2012 06:39

With migration tool you wil be able migrate your data from Resources to Cobalt. But since Cobalt store date COMPLETELY different, it is like move data from K2 to Cobalt. There is not much that make advantages of migration except fact we know both extensions good.

I have to say that it is certain to me that there will be some loses during Migration. There is data we will not be able transfer correctly although we will try our best. Most difficult is address and geo fields. Even all fields. They just store values differently. The gallery fields is al a problem. Although we will try to do our best I am not sure it may be well transfered.

And there will be some unexpected issues when we release it, which I cannot say you now.

27 Дек 2012 15:03

News about this? I need to move data like imagefiled (uploaded, saved in db as adress = easy to migrate), textfields and html-filed into one type in a old Resources-installation. Additionally is title, written by, date, hits etc - but its written about like in db. I hope its possible to get a test of this very soon - as im doing the last on a webpage before its published - the only is the records from the old installation that needs to be moved - about 1000.

Total posts: 13,748
29 Дек 2012 07:37

To be really short.

  1. Create content type and section you want to migrate to.

  2. Add one article.

  3. See table _js_res_record, _js_res_record_categories, _js_res_record_values how it saved this article.

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