29 Июнь 2019 09:22


I have gone through the backend configuration details of the ticketing system and could not find this option so thought I might ask as there are so many options and there is a good chance that I may have missed this.

When someone creates a ticket, is it possible to assign that ticket to a staff member. I am a web developer myself and one of my clients has the requirement to being able to automatically assign the tickets to a pool of staff members using either round-robin or some other technique.

Thank you,


Последние изменения: 04 Июль 2019

Total posts: 13,748
04 Июль 2019 10:43

You can use any field like checkbox or select to assing staff. But you will have to edit article to do that. But staf members will be able to filter records.

Or you can use relation fields and make staff member parent and ticket child, then you can assign right in the article without addit via Attach button. And then Staff member will see all tickets where he is assigned to.

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