28 Март 2019 22:53


I found your software and it looks like it might suite my needs but I need to confirm few things as I'm not sure.]

I want to ceate a sport exercises results database/register for my friends. This is how I would like it to work: 1. The user is registering with custom registration form and creating an account. The registration form should contain few more items, like birthdate, height or gender.

  1. After logging in user has an access to the usermenu with: a. Profile preview - simple page with registered personal data b. Edit profile - form to edit registered personal data c. Add your exercises results - a form to input excersices results and store it in database. User can add many submissions, each with new date and data. d. My submissions d.1. List of entered exercises results (history list of submissions) which user should be able enter and edit. d.2. Detailed view of entered exercies result (detailed view of selected submission) d.3. Edit form of entered exercises result (edit form of selected submission, the same form as "add your exercies results") e. Compare me with other users (charts for each exercise with drawn entries from all users)

Is it possible to do above with your software? If yes, can you help me with some tips and directions? If no, then do I need a lot of changes?

Best regards, Lukas

Последние изменения: 04 Апр 2019

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
29 Март 2019 15:11

User register is not controled by Cobalt CCK, for this you should use Joomla register or some 3rd party extension.

All other tasks from 2 can be achieved with Cobalt CCK.

There is another solution if you don't want to use other extensions for registering users: users can simply register with default Joomla without any extra field and then you can create Cobalt Section for users where they will create only one record with their data (birthdate, height or gender) and another section for Exercises and relate this two sections together with 1 to many relation.

This solution I think is much better because you can manipulate with custom templates and fields so that can achieve any kind of result you need.

Total posts: 13,748
04 Апр 2019 04:01

Giorgi625 This solution I think is much better because you can manipulate with custom templates and fields so that can achieve any kind of result you need.

Exactly. In addition he willbe able to list all user profiles and allow other users too look other users by different criteria.

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