17 Янв 2019 08:51


when I access cobalt (opening a record then re-entering user name and password to activate editing) then return to website and click"edit module" I am getting a page with no editor (see screen grab)


recently updated to Joomla version - 3.9.2. cobalt version - 8.725

Последние изменения: 07 Фев 2019

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
23 Янв 2019 17:58

Hello guest, (first of all, may I suggest to register a free account on this forum, it's much easier to follow your own topics ;) )

Regarding your issue and screeenshot, can you describe your issue in more detail, please?
Your description is a bit unclear: You edit a Cobalt record, but have to re-enter login credentials? And then you want to edit a module in frontend? Is it a specific Cobalt module? Did you try to edit a joomla core module? BTW, I believe I can see "Advanced Module Manager" in your URL. Might it have any impact on general frontend editing? What is your current template framework?

In general, to identify any errors, you should enable Joomla's error reporting (setting MAX). Then investigate your browser's console and Development tools. There should be any messages...

Thanks in advance.

Total posts: 13,748
07 Фев 2019 11:52

Guest click"edit module"

What module?

Работает на Cobalt