10 Дек 2018 03:26

Hello, I'm using Cobalt 8 as part of a template that was purchased. I have 3 records (Portfolio single) that display via a module. Problem I'm having is that even though there are only 3 records and they are all displayed, there is a Load More button underneath. I have played around with settings and cannot remove it.

Please advise how I can do this.

Many thanks

Последние изменения: 20 Дек 2018

Total posts: 13,748
10 Дек 2018 05:02

Can you show a screenshot?

11 Дек 2018 01:14

Thanks for the reply. I ended up editing the mod_cobalt_ajax records/tmpl/default.php and removed the command and script reference. A clunky way to do it but still achieved the desired result!

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
14 Дек 2018 23:52

Apparently, the AJAX Module is not from MintJoomla.
Maybe you should contact the template/module developer...

Technically it should be possible to check the total amount of records, then conditionally display the button.

20 Дек 2018 03:25

Technically you would think so Pepperstreet!

Thanks anyway, the template developer's support is virtually non existent unfortunately.

Appreciate your time though.


Total posts: 13,748
20 Дек 2018 12:32

I also interested a part of what template Cobalt was?

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