13 Янв 2017 00:04

I am gonna use Easydiscuss on my site. It has some kind of point system.

Can Cobalt be integrated to this Easydiscuss-system ?

I mean for instance when adding article or video to Cobalt, user can get points.

Boredpanda.com has this kind of system: [ http://www.boredpanda.com/users-top/ ]

I think it can be very nice feature because people like to compete and earning points reminds Games.

See also Attachment. boredpanda.PNG

Thanks very much.

Последние изменения: 15 Янв 2017

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
13 Янв 2017 07:47

I am using Easysocial, Easydiscuss, Easyblog and Cobalt all together with points system, but I use as a main points system Easysocial and it works fine but without Easysocial I don't know if it will work.

In Configuration in community integration there is no Easydiscuss so I think it will not work without Easysocial.

Total posts: 61
13 Янв 2017 09:14

Thanks so much Giorgi625. Your site is surely very nice. It would be nice to see it.

But the most important thing is that in some way Cobalt can be integrated to point system.

Total posts: 13,748
15 Янв 2017 14:21

Right now I do nto see very much sense to integrate with EasyDiscuss point system. This is very specific. This sounds like wrong to change those points outside of EasyDiscuss. But points of EasySocial are global. And those are supported.

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