19 Нояб 2016 04:16

Hello, I need to hide the Post section from this blog. Please can you tell me which settings I will need to change in back end

Remove post from the layout.PNG

Hope to hear from you soon

Thanks, Shankar Iyer Cobalt 8 User

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
19 Нояб 2016 05:04

Hello Shankar, first of all I would like to encourage you to create a user account on this forum... it is much easier to follow your own and other topics.

You have 2 options to hide field content in the list view:

A.) either by field parameters (applies to all templates)

Each field has parameters for display in intro and full view. You can find them in each edit field screen:


You have also quick access in field manager:
See Types -> your Type -> click on Fields
See column header I and F.
See your field with name "Post". Click respective button under I(ntro) column.

Example for field "Short Description":


B.) Exclude certain fields through list template parameters

If you want to hide fields for a certain template/view, you have to edit the section parameters.
Go to Sections -> Your Section -> tab General Parameters -> Templates
I assume you are using the default template.
Click the small edit button labeled "default".
A modal window with all template and display parameters will open up.
See parameter Fields to Exclude.
Select your field Post. Save settings and section.

Example hide field "Short Description":


Hope this helps.

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