30 Июль 2016 10:07

Is it possible to create a menu item that shows records of the same section but using a specific template:

Home All Post -> Blog Template Map -> Map Template Contact

Последние изменения: 02 Авг 2016

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
31 Июль 2016 02:20

Hello Guest, by default Cobalt displays a template switcher on the section list view. There is no menuItem parameter. nor a simple configuration for your purpose... however, it can be achieved!

I am afraid you have to read the following sources:

Get a basic understanding of filters and how to use the External-URL menuItem.
Create pre-filtered links

I remember I had a similar question. Hence Sergey's 5th comment in this related topic

Hope this helps.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
31 Июль 2016 02:29

BTW, do you use Sub-Categories? Categories can have their own list template.

Drawback: You would still need External-URL menuitems in a Joomla menu. Alternatively you might use the Category Index above the list,
or the Category module for navigation.

Total posts: 13,748
02 Авг 2016 05:20

Mike is right. You can use prefiltered URL and add there template switcher.

But unfortunately that only works for record list. For individual record, that will not work.

But since it is smart feature and takes only few minuts to add, I've added ершы to next release.

poxxac VIP
Total posts: 30
02 Авг 2016 08:40

Hello, I was the original poster, sorry for the guest thing.

I just want to make sure I was clear with my question, sorry, sometimes english can be a little harder to expres myself

I have 3 link in my example:

  • Home
  • All Posts -> Blog Template
  • Map -> Map Template
  • Contact

And only one section with one type of content.

The idea is the "All Posts" and "Map" will show the same records, just in a different templates without showing the "Change view" link.

Is that waht you guys did unterstand?

Thanks so much, I love Cobalt everyday more and more...

Total posts: 13,748
02 Авг 2016 12:46
  • Make Blog a default template and create menu element.
  • Copy link and add template set options from documentation prefiltered links (Mike gave you link already)
  • Use that link as external for maps.
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