07 Янв 2016 15:41

Hello everyone!

I am new to Cobalt and for that matter web development. I am a C & Assembler developer from the DOS days.... I have managed to develop a fairly nice sit with Joomla and I am pleased at the time it has saved me. I am also taking HTML & CSS courses to further my knowledge. I have a question regarding the Fields in Cobalt and database values. I have two Sections - One is for the Available Students that we have, and One is for the Students that have been placed on Hold. Once we get a new student in, I enter that Student into a Cobalt Form (AvailableStudents). We then look for potential families that would like to Host this student. These are Foreign Exchange Students. If we get a Family that is interested, then I delete the student from the Available Students list and enter them into the Hold Students list. Is there an easy way to do this without manually deleting from the AvailableStudents list and manually entering in Hold Students list. I was thinking about a Radio Box Field that would allow me to select once a Student needs to move from Available to Hold.

I seriously hope this makes sense.

Here is a screen shot of the Students on Hold screen:


        Student     Local Representative    Regional Director    Host Family    Date On Hold    Days On Hold
        Linus            Karen                   Karen                ??         01-07-0016    

Here is a screen shot of the Available Students:


Student Country Gender Type Marcel Spain Male Semester

If anyone has some insight into this, I would be grateful for your help. Thank you, Lance

Последние изменения: 12 Янв 2016

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
08 Янв 2016 03:23

Guest Is there an easy way to do this without manually deleting from the AvailableStudents list and manually entering in Hold Students list.


there are many possible ways to solve your problem.

A suggestion would be to use the SECTION-->CATEGORY approach which represents the "default" way to organize your data within Cobalt.

There are other possible ways (as mentioned by you already -- check box, radio button, status field etc ) but to get a better grasp of Cobalt i would suggest to start with the categories.

Use only one section "Students" and create 2 categories "Available" and "Hold". If you want to move a student to another category, just change the category.

It might not be the best solution, when it gets more complex (different fields etc), but it is a good exercise to understand and utilize default Cobalt features.

One of the more advanced features of Cobalt is Multi-Type. If you expect a bigger number of records, I would suggest to avaoid this approach out of performance reasons.

Hope this helps.

danielbidala VIP
Total posts: 153
08 Янв 2016 09:25

I think you should use status field for students availability. You've got to store students in the same section and use a status field what you can change depend on the current status of students. Than you can list students based on this field.

Total posts: 13,748
12 Янв 2016 09:50

Guest I have two Sections - One is for the Available Students that we have, and One is for the Students that have been placed on Hold

I think better use same section. Just change status of the user with status field. Later you can filter and show only users on hold or active.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
12 Янв 2016 11:39

Some thougths for further and advanced functionality...

You might also create some sort of "auto matching" and "suggestions" between students and families.
For instance with Records-field or Records-module. Geo-location field etc.

Both participants could have certain fields for location, hobbies and interests, any other preferences you can think of.
Then you could compare fields for similar values and show some suggested entries.

Have fun with Cobalt!

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