27 Июнь 2014 18:54


I'm trying to write custom field with two dropdown (select) menus with float numbers and I've allready put in the two dropboxes for input but they don't save. Is there any tutorial how to do this or can someone help me with this code.

Tnx, Peter

Последние изменения: 29 Июнь 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
27 Июнь 2014 20:28

I assume you already had a look in the related docs article?

Hence the part about multiple inputs in one field:

"... Please, pay special attention on input name. In order to get your field values saved the form alements have to have name starts with fields[<?php echo $this->id; ?>]. If you need more than one input as part of one field make it array fields[<?php echo $this->id; ?>][] or array with exact keys fields[<?php echo $this->id; ?>][name] ..."

Apart from that, have a look at existing Cobalt fields that may have a similarity in form input(s).

( I guess, Sergey will chip in here with valuable infos for you... )

28 Июнь 2014 10:33


I've solved it, I used wrong functions for store multiple data.

tnx, Peter

Total posts: 13,748
29 Июнь 2014 11:01

I hope we will see this field in depot very soon :))

I am excited.

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