10 Май 2013 10:03

is there any technical reason why it's not possible to have menu type

=>> link to cobalt category

instead of having to use "external URL" menu type all the times?

I find a bit uncomfortable to be honest... and for some reason Joomla 3 "mass action" option doesn't allow to change menu items parent menu if you want to move them under an external url menu type (it doesn't even list the external url manu tyopes when you use mass actions tool)... you have to edit one by one the menu items to achieve that...

Последние изменения: 28 Июль 2015

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Май 2013 15:17

Overdued :O :S ;-)

http://support.mintjoomla.com/en/cobalt-7/all/How +to+create+link+to+category-1698.html

http://support.mintjoomla.com/en/cobalt-7/questions/link +menu+to+subscategory-1556.html


11 Май 2013 02:53

Thanks, those topics didn't come out when I searched ._.

Total posts: 13,748
12 Май 2013 01:03

I am working on article about this case. Please keep an eye on Community Knowledge.

Total posts: 13,748
12 Май 2013 03:54

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
28 Июль 2015 17:16

Sergey I am working on article about this case. Please keep an eye on Community Knowledge.

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