30 Март 2014 06:49


I have tried many times to get this extension to work..also tried installing earlier version of Joomla and Cobalt 7 but had other issues. I am pretty good at figuring this stuff out usually but this has just been throwing me for a loop...it really does look like it will do what I need and I am hoping to figure out how to make it work.

Attached is the screenshot of what it looks like when I try ot make a menu item which point to anything Coblat related.

Can someone please advise on what may be causing this.

Thank you.

Последние изменения: 31 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
31 Март 2014 02:39

Yep, unfortunately this is a known issue. Another location has been fixed, but the MenuItem-Type seems to be a problem. You will find screenshots, comments and my suggestions over here...

Работает на Cobalt