20 Март 2014 04:59

In mighty extensions ‘Resource’ was a separator field which could be used for inserting text in the submission form such as instructions or headings etc. How can this be achieved with Cobolt 8?

Total posts: 13,748
20 Март 2014 06:09

In Cobalt those are field groups


And then later in Submission Form or Article template you can set how it is shown.


20 Март 2014 06:22

Hi Sergey, yes I am using groups in sliders now but in the middle of a group I would like to add some text. How can I do that?

Total posts: 13,748
20 Март 2014 07:20

Description is alwais related to field or field group. What will your text be related to in the middle of the group? Related to field? Then you can use field description parameter. This description is shown in the form template.

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