26 Фев 2014 12:25

I have just updated to ver 8.493 but I am unable to allow only one selection using the List autocomplete Field. No matter what I change the property setting to, it still allows multiple choices.

How can we fix this?


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

26 Фев 2014 14:34

I would like to mention that the List complete field type actually displays an error message after ** an attempt to select more options than allowed. However, the field should **not prompt the user to add more options (as highlighted in red above) because it will confuse the user. Once the user reaches the maximum number of elements, the "+" should disappear to indicate there are no more choices available.

P.S. "Unique" is misspelled in the Properties area.

Total posts: 13,748
27 Фев 2014 00:09

You are right. ANd Maik have already raised that question.

Unfortunately we cannot hide this prompt. We are using textboxlist plugin. And this is how it works.

Total posts: 13,748
27 Фев 2014 09:17

It's about time for your new bootstrap tags/auto-complete project. How is it going...?

It is fine.

It's about time for your new bootstrap tags/auto-complete project. How is it going...?

It makes this field type pretty much unusable in a production environment.

Autocomplete in not the only option to select child. There is also popup with is way more advanced.

Total posts: 13,748
01 Март 2014 23:01

could not find "pop up" in the list of choices?

I was talking about child/parent fields. that was before I realized you are using select and listautocomplete.

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