21 Фев 2014 23:20

Hello guys

I have created a content type section and fields called News and linked to the menu item called News but now I need to place that same listing in homepage, some will say to use records modules but the thing is that I need the search feature that the regular record listing pages have.

so how can I do this?

please help

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Фев 2014 09:09

The records-module is for display only.

The only "official" way to show an advanced search/filter in a module position is the the filters-module.

So, there is no direct connection or interaction between those two modules. Clicking on filters, redirects to your section menu-item (news).

Some thoughts and ideas:

A.) Show only Filters-Module on homepage.

B.) Why not using NEWS as default homepage? Assign other homepage modules to fit your homepage design.

C.) Show/Clone the News section component-view in a module or article!

There are 2-3 extensions in the JED listing for this purpose e.g: - Modulix Component to Module (module, free) - Component Loader Module (module, paid) - Plugin Include Component (content plugin, free) - ComponentsAnywhere by Nonumber.

Before adding fancy stuff to your site and bending J! to do something weird, I would suggest to think about A.) and B.)

Not sure how option C.) behaves in regards of redirect and keeping MenuItem-ID's... learning by trying ;-)

23 Фев 2014 12:55

hello pepperstreet

Thanks for the ideas I follow B) and it worked perfectly.

best regards,

Fabricio Daza

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