20 Фев 2014 21:27

I have created a content type called person and this has a field called "die" that has options "yes" and "no" and also created a section called person, so What I want is to access that information from two different link one is called just persons and the other one is called RIP in person it has to show all the records but in RIP it has to show only death persons. I have tried creating two sections one called person and one new called rip both pointing to the same content type but when I go and browse the new RIP page the listing show 0 records and that content type has many already created.

please help


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
20 Фев 2014 22:06


just use 1 type with 1 section and create a pre-filtered link for the dead people.

There is an article which explains it. See here

The other link which will show all persons is just the standard section link.

Hope this helps ... :D

23 Фев 2014 12:53

In order to make it work i change the field key for the field id and then it work fine.

hope this help to others with the same issue.

best regards.

Fabricio Daza.

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