17 Фев 2014 10:58


I want to display an image placeholder ONLY IF the user has not submitted anything via a gallery field

currently I am using this code to call the field

fields_by_id[75])): ?> fields_by_id[75]->result; ?>

I understand I probably have to use the php else statement,

but I do not know enough php and with trial and error I am not able to get this working

thank you!

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
19 Фев 2014 01:17
fields_by_id[75])): ?> fields_by_id[75]->result; ?>

19 Фев 2014 03:39

thank you Sergey, you are so helpful I could kiss you ahah :D

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