09 Фев 2014 10:09


Easysocial 1.2 is released with few more new features and one new theme template. I think there is still lots of scope for cobalt to be integrated very well with Easysocial.

1) Can we implement the functionality where within cobalt sections, user can share the cobalt records with friends, groups, facebook, other social media or in other streams?

2) Can we create a new menu link for cobalt in new easysocial theme where there will be details of all sections with section menu?

These two will integrate very well with ES.

Последние изменения: 17 Март 2014

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
10 Фев 2014 01:36

1) Can we implement the functionality where within cobalt sections, user can share the cobalt records with friends, groups, facebook, other social media or in other streams?

nice idea

Total posts: 13,748
10 Фев 2014 02:13

Very nice. I can do that when I have spare time.

10 Фев 2014 03:13

Thanks. Would live to see that done. This way the user will have lots of social activities with the cobalt records.

brianpat VIP
Total posts: 211
14 Март 2014 09:31

any plan for this. I believe this is going to be a very important feature for cobalt. Currently there are no cck that has this feature inbuilt.

ron.du VIP
Total posts: 113
14 Март 2014 18:20

Hi Sergey . Infact it does not matter whether we use ES or not but a central user home page is needed to show all section stats In to COBALT itself

brianpat VIP
Total posts: 211
14 Март 2014 21:43

ron.du Hi Sergey . Infact it does not matter whether we use ES or not but a central user home page is needed to show all section stats In to COBALT itself

Yes that will act as a cobalt dashboard. From UI Design point of view this will benefit lot to track.

Total posts: 13,748
17 Март 2014 04:39

ron.du Hi Sergey . Infact it does not matter whether we use ES or not but a central user home page is needed to show all section stats In to COBALT itself

Yes I agree. Section homepage should be more like dashboard with all user categories, latest articles, statistisc, ...

ron.du VIP
Total posts: 113
17 Март 2014 05:22


ron.du Hi Sergey . Infact it does not matter whether we use ES or not but a central user home page is needed to show all section stats In to COBALT itself

Yes I agree. Section homepage should be more like dashboard with all user categories, latest articles, statistisc, ...

Exactly . Thankyou for consideration this feature . also an app for easysicial for this dashboard . But terms Dashboard normally means the controll room of that user . and we expect public view of dashboard ( just like currently we can see others home page in C8 )

Total posts: 13,748
17 Март 2014 06:27

Right user homepage will be accessible by diferent users.

Although I considering this feature, I can tell for sure that it will not be implemented untill Cobalt 9. And Cobalt 9 release day is still unknown.

PS. Please insert al least one emptry line after quote otherwise it will become part of the quote. Your text have to be hilighted white not green.

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